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Shape Cyclops
29.12.2020 08:02
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(Very creative name ik) The adult shape cyclops ranges from around 5-9 feet (micro), to 10-25 feet (normal), and 26-40 feet (macro) tall. Females usually have colder colors (green, blue, purple) and males have hotter colors (red, orange, yellow). For the ones anywhere in between, they can have any color but the shades are usually dimmer. They come in many shapes, they dont have to have a specific shape across every limb. Different limbs can be different shapes and sizes (and yes this means you can make them thick, but they dont really eat so). You also may have noticed that none of their libs connect. That's because they're aliens, you numbnut. Also they can detach them if they want to, and even if they're thrown, they come back. If a limb is destroyed, it usually grows back (unless it's a head or a torso). Their hands are also one shape but they can morph them into fingers, but the finger shape is dependent on the hand shape (circular hand, round fingers, square hand, square fingers, etc.). They can also hav
29.12.2020 08:03
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-e accessories, such as tattoos, freckles, horns, wings, ears, tails, facial hair, and even little tufts of hair at the top of their head. The colors of these don't really matter. Their blood and tears are the same color, and the color depends on gender (same hot-cold, boy-girl, the things in between thing.). It's usually dark-ish and has an odd slime-like substancy. Another really important thing is they have one eye. If they have more than it can be excused as a birth defect, but parents usually remove those at birth anyways. This is an open species until further notice. Feel free to ask questions or criticize.
29.12.2020 08:03
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ignore the spelling errors or I'll rip off ur spine lyt
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