song below//lmt
12.09.2020 11:50
Linki just hate the fact that you ignore me
and i still smile
but the story doesn't end here
im still not giving up
i know i seem like an attention seeker
but trust me it hurts
please stop saying that
you make it even worse
and im over here, with feelings
you never experienced
with sadness anger and fear
i made this song for you
to understand how its like
when people ignore you.
i wake up go to my computer
start a new day then i get hit by you.
ignored as always and then i make a new post
hard work and still nothing
what do others have that i don't have?
okay is what you only say
"improve your work trust me it will get better"
no, save that for some other person
i do that and i fail
and my only option is
to keep venting and writing songs
i know you want me to do real art
but why if you ignore it?
i don't care about followers and likes
i just want friends who notices me.