QnA with the rulers of Magicis


28.02.2022 01:43
LinkLotus you are a legend to me⭐

28.02.2022 01:45
Link"Thank you dear..."

Q lotus:I love that i can use my magic to heal the injured...It pains me to see my children hurt..."(she called her citizens her children)
Q blossom:I love that I can help nature and the animals that live in it.
Mayor sandra and the owl kind dont have any powers,,,
King R:I love that I can defend my people.
K Ali:I..um...I like that i can defend my people and help the environment around it...

Do they/y’all all have different laws? Or are they all connected some how, or do they/y’all have the same laws?

Mayor Sandra is speaking"We all have differen't laws.Not completley different but some places are not the same as others.For example,A citizen in stoneridge is not allowed to Hunt certain things without a lisence.In Skrix you are free to hunt whatever you want.You must be a citizen of Skrix tho.You cannot be an outsider.If you are found hunting unique creatures without a lisence you are to be arrested."