Fly to your dreams.


A Dangerous Flower

Patrick Inception


sad boy

[Book Fair Week Started]


06.12.2021 20:45
LinkMy dad ain't surprised
The most we spent (when Im with my family) was about $600 and all of it was for food

06.12.2021 21:06
LinkWe went to the book fair today at my lil sis's school (she's in 1st grade) and to be honest, the school she attended was my elementary where I grew up all the way to 5th grade. I was SUPER nervous to meet all the staff and my teachers, in which there is only 2 teachers I had, for 3rd grade and 5th grade.
I didn't meet my Art teacher ToT I miss her
The Book Fair is held in the library, nothing surprising. A few minutes passed and I only chose 1-2 books when I heard talking outside of the library. I was crouching so I turned my head and for 3 seconds I saw my lil sister out in the hallway with her friends/classmates

06.12.2021 21:08
LinkThey were headed towards the courtyard that has Christmas deocration and I assume (it was proven correct) that they were there to take pictures. I was busy with the books while my dad just straight up went to the window to look at them do so.
He only let me choose the books ToT
Until sooner after, my sis and her class (yes, the teacher too duh) went in to the library to check out the book fair. And then my sis saw my dad FIRST before me.
My dad: *receives hug*
Me: *receives a hand up*
Also me: *lower-fived her hand*

06.12.2021 21:11
LinkThe kids stared at my dad in wonder (that's what my dad told me, and I do have to admit, I saw a few looking at him, a lot more surrounding him) before going back to checking out the books.
No one paid me any attention, which I was KINDA grateful, so I continued looking back at the books for like- the 4th time, and my sis came up and I asked her what books would she want us to buy for her
She chose 2 books, one about the ice princess stuff and the other one about dogs (she loves dogs) and I chose one more book for her about fairies (there was no other book I find interesting for her to read so have my recommendations, sis)

06.12.2021 21:13
LinkHer friend, Olivia (My dad says she has a lot of friends for a 6 year old) took my sis away to check out 'a book' which turns out to be a decorative cover where once you move your hand up on the cover, they change color or something. And it wasn't actually a book but like a childish notebook/journal with stickers and bookmarks.
We had to decline, although I appreciate what her friend recommended! <3

06.12.2021 21:16
LinkThe class soon left, and it was now only me, my dad, and some other staff in the library. After a couple (dozen?) minutes we finally finished our business in the library and paid all the books which used to be $75 something but with tax it was now 70.00 EXACT.
We headed out of the library and we decided to explore the school. It's been a long time since I have been inside the school, and I miss it. A lot has changed (like the playground goddamn they not only remodel it, they changed the colors from light brown and teal TO red, yellow, and blue!

06.12.2021 21:21
LinkThe first person I met was the counselor in the school's office before the office staff. Then we met the librarian (she's a funny person, and I love it ^^) and my 3rd grade teacher (she's about my dad's height) before one of the 5th grade teachers I've known.
After meeting them in the hallways with short conversations (I was the only one talking, why dad X'D) we went outside of the school and entered the playground area. There was the usual field of grass, the new school building (my school has two separate buildings and they look unalike), the basketball court, and some mini sand-colored buildings.

06.12.2021 21:25
LinkWe decided to go inside the new building, sure, the doors were unlocked, but since it was during class session we left the building without even going inside.
We went back inside (the doors were meant to be locked but we were lucky and got the door to open just a teeny bit) and went to the area where my sis's classroom is. The doors to the classroom were closed, but we knew she has class in session. We looked at the walls and they were filled with cutouts of Santas with different jobs. I wanted to visit the Art room, but the door was closed and heck- the art teacher might have a class in there too! ToT

06.12.2021 21:40
LinkWe met the 3rd grade teacher again and that's how I found my 5th grade teacher. She looks completely different! (Im not going any more further into details about her since you guys might harrass about her)
We chatted for a bit (my dad at a good distance away where I have to run to him) before departing. I played around in the playground that was the nearest (my hands hurt while trying to sing on the monkey bars) and we didn't know how to get in (well, my dad says to try the cafeteria doors, but me being the 'nuh-uh' I was, I chose the bathroom doors.) We went to the bathroom (I took the girls, he took the boys) and we met outside of the bathroom but inside the building. We came across the cafeteria and I met the custodian who I used to clean up with (we get candy afterward! <3)

06.12.2021 21:43
LinkWe were going to leave my elementary school and my dad looked around as he was standing right next to a pile of crumbs and etc and I went "oh! ba! uhm- look...!" and the custodian said "get away from the dirty trash or I will kill you" in a serious mixed with joking tone and we moved away
and then we left

06.12.2021 21:43
Linkokay the end.