You look like a snake!
(some) Sons of Fรซanor
shinobu time
The Secret of Shade 5
My foolish, trashy game ideas
08.08.2022 19:25
08.08.2022 19:26
LinkInspired byyyyyyyyy
This! ๐
08.08.2022 19:33
LinkGame #1 : slug breeding game. Yes, I'm aware that this sound dumb, but it does have some lore to it. Millions of years ago, an asteroid hit earth and few creatures survived, one of those being slugs. With the astroid came INSANE chemicals that mutated the slugs into....weird slugs. These weird slugs thrived and never had to change. Millions of year later, people now breed these slugs creating even weirder slugs. One group of amateur scientists created a slug that had strength of that of a tank! Slug breeding quickly blew up and many slugs with insane abilities started becoming household pets. Though slugs were becoming super weapons, only three stood out:
08.08.2022 19:38
LinkOverseer: a slug owed by the president of the United States himself, this slug is easily recognized by is slick black to red gradient.
Overseer can leave behind a slime that after 10 seconds becomes invisible to the naked eye. Overseer can then use the slime to detect nearby enemies, trap others, or send a message to other slugs. Overseer also has crazy super strength comparable to the whole U.S military.
08.08.2022 19:44
LinkUndertaker: This slug is surprisingly nice despite it's name. Its owned by Bob McMuffin, a manager at a McDonald's in Ohio. The undertaker is not seen often, though it's been said to have sticky, black to blue gradient skin.
Powers: he can instantly cook any beef product using a small amount of his slime. He can use his super duper strong skin to assist police in dealing with criminals.
08.08.2022 19:48
Bob was the OG super powered slug, which was made by a group of teens in their basement. Bob is all white, and is slightly see-through.
Powers: Bob has crazy endurance, strength, and intelligence. He can also shoot tiny missiles from his tail.
08.08.2022 19:55
LinkUndertaker, overseer, and Bob suddenly away andd uh...that's where the game starts
08.08.2022 19:56
LinkSo basically, you are tasked with making a slug that is good enough to track down Bob, undertaker, and overseer.
08.08.2022 20:02
LinkGame play and stuff:
You breed slugs that have the genes you want. The gene part is quite simple&
There are 2 types of genes:
D and d. D is dominant genes and d is recessive. D is greater than d.
Dd, you'd end up with D
DD, you get D
And DD, you get D
Just basic gene stuff you learn in school, I don't have the bran power to make it more complex ๐
08.08.2022 20:05
LinkYou can feed slugs certain food that could give your pet the genes for a certain mutation(s). You can also hatch slug eggs to get a random slug with random genes
08.08.2022 20:07
LinkDon't feel like writing game 2 so I just won't ๐