Stephen King's: IT
10.03.2018 19:21
Linko wow,
it looks
a w e s o m e
19.07.2018 13:59
LinkI knew that my vie scence I was four well the old it but this new it is awsome to!
22.04.2019 16:47
Linkyay its Gorgie
actually, i believe the 2017 version had more value than the novel. keep in mind that the movie can't impersonate all the 1,157 pages from the book. they took out the more important parts that would lure in the people.
however, the 1990 version was horrible. but that was basically because back in the 90's they didn't have the best technology to create a good enough movie.
but i do respect your opinion-though it really did hurt me, cause i actually love the newest movie, and i don't think it should be put to shame.
thanks though.
//wheezes in the background
tbh i disliked the newer movie, a lot. it wasn't scary and when the people died i laughed (kinda sadistic, oop—). i haven't seen the older one but i'm planning on it.
i don't mean to sound rude, o-furry-trash-one, but i just
very much regret watching the new IT ;;