
Lavender (reupload)


Orange Cat (Origami)

~I miss summer days <3~

Tea n Coffee

C.F.M.O.T. 6!! (fav scene)
"Therians/Animalkins" are bad


07.05.2023 17:46
LinkIf you can read my post, you are not an animal. You're a human being. It's important to establish this fact before discussing the topic of therians. Therians are individuals who believe they have a spiritual connection with animals and often identify as non-human animals. This belief is not based in reality or science, but rather in personal delusions.

07.05.2023 17:47
LinkI must state that therians are mentally unwell and weird. Their beliefs and behaviors are not considered normal or healthy by any standard. In fact, their actions can be damaging to the minds of children who may be exposed to these ideas at a young age.

07.05.2023 17:47
LinkIt's crucial for the modern generation to stop trying to force their delusions onto reality. Nobody in the world knows what neopronouns or a therian is. These concepts are not widely accepted or understood, and they do not align with traditional values or beliefs. The idea of identifying as an animal or nonexistant genders or the oppisite sex goes against the natural order of things and can lead to confusion and distress.

07.05.2023 17:48
Linkthe Bible does not support the concept of therians. In fact, it states that humans were created in God's image and given dominion over the animals. Therefore, it's essential for individuals to seek help if they are struggling with these beliefs and to understand that they are not alone in their struggles.

10.05.2023 20:38
Linki dont care about all the christian stuff but FRRRRRR finally you post something thats true

01.06.2023 16:06

A therian is basically someone who believes spiritually or mentally that they are an animal
They know their human 💀

As someone who adheres to Christianity, I strongly believe that therianism is a dangerous and corrupting belief system. Therians are individuals who identify as non-human animals or creatures, believing that they possess the spirit of these beings. This belief system is not only irrational but also goes against the fundamental principles of Christianity.
Therianism promotes the idea that humans can be something other than human, which is inherently contradictory to Christian teachings. Christianity teaches that humans were created in God's image and have a unique purpose on this earth. To suggest that one can be something other than human undermines this belief and leads to confusion about our place in the world.

Furthermore, therianism has been linked to mental health issues such as dissociative identity disorder and delusional thinking. It is concerning that people are embracing a belief system that encourages them to reject their own humanity and embrace an alternate reality. This kind of thinking is not only unhealthy but also potentially dangerous.
In contrast, Christianity offers a sane and rational worldview that provides meaning and purpose to our lives. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we can find forgiveness, hope, and eternal life. Christianity teaches us to love our neighbors, care for the poor and vulnerable, and seek justice and peace in the world.

Therians assert that they are aware of their human identity but also maintain that they possess the characteristics of a particular animal species. You often compare this phenomenon to reincarnation, which is not only inaccurate but also offensive to those who hold religious beliefs surrounding the concept of reincarnation.

It is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of Therianthropy or the idea that humans can possess animalistic traits. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that individuals who identify as Therians are suffering from some form of mental illness or delusion.

People like me aren't gonna be the cause of the world falling apart. It's people like you who are trying to keep society from progressing by forcing us all back into a time where not only did only some people get to live a good and healthy life while others were either left for dead or were literally killed, but also where nobody was allowed to express themselves in a way that made them happy
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As long as humans have existed, people have dealt with the question of what happens when you die. All major religions have a concept of the afterlife. Not all of them agree about what they believe, however, and certainly not all believe in the concept of reincarnation.
Beliefs about the Buddhist afterlife, Hindu afterlife, and the Sikh afterlife all center around a version of reincarnation. Not only do these religions believe in the reincarnation of people, but many expand this concept to the realm of animals and pets as well.
For each of these religions, reincarnation is defined as the rebirth of a soul in a new physical body. This concept applies to the spiritual essence of a living being, where the physical form is just a vessel and therefore is not necessary.
The spirit is reincarnated, or reborn, into a new physical form including a human or another species along the journey of oneness with the universe. The following religions believe that reincarnation is possible for pets as well as humans.
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@ErrorCharaXYZ I do not care what you say, because it's all from the internet, you think you are doing the right thing, but you aren't, you see something false on the internet, and you're like," Oh! Look, a Anti post!" Or "Oh! Look, a positive pedo post!" Like shut up, you believe the internet all the time, and it's fine when you believe the internet but when we do it's not???
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They feel that way personally, it isn't harming anyone.
You on the other hand are ranting about stuff that aren't important in the slightest, especially this post,
YOU are you one spreading harm, not most of the stuff you rant about.
No one wants to read someone ranting about 'YOU CAN'T FEEL A CERTAIN WAY' or some bullshit like that.
Get the **** off the internet till you become a good person.
Or at LEAST TRY to become better instead of complaining.