

30.05.2021 19:41

30.05.2021 19:45

30.05.2021 19:45
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Sin is bad for anybody, and while not knowing there's a consequence (some people don't) they stay in it. Sin leads people to hell, and no you don't have to be sinless to be saved, but we can't get away from sins, except from Jesus's help, God's help. A true Deliverer :)
And some might say, OH so we can be a slave to God, no you're a servant to God once saved and we choose t serve Him, while with sin that'll still happen whether or not you want to, while not saved. (Without God's help) Although there are some things you can overcome with help, we can't truly escape sin without God <3
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You guys need to calm down
The bible says nothing about gays not being able to go to heaven
It says only if you accept jesus as your savior and admit youve sinned you can go
And you guys will fr beat some random dude to death because they dont support the lgbt but its totally fine to discriminate and disrespect a religion and the way it works
Nice π
You guys need to fkng calm yourselves
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I thoroughly enjoy watching the athiests argue with christians and the christians thinking its rude that someone doesn't believe in their religion
But I would like to say that if you don't like the message you don't have to comment on it. I don't agree with it because it goes against my beliefs and thats cool, but if you're an athiest please don't argue over this topic that you don't know much about. It is actually really disrespectful and I don't blame y'all for not considering that since you aren't religious yourselves, but please stop. (Also, lil side note, a religion isn't actually based off of books or groups, its literally just your belief system with a label on it. You can be gay and christian or trans and muslim, and it doesn't make you any less of a christian or a muslim)
HOWEVER, if you are religious and use your religion as an excuse to be sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc., don't be surprised when people start attacking your religion
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I was with you up until the point where you said "You can be gay and Christian" I greatly disagree with this, if you are a true Christian you can not be gay. Also when you said that it's not based off of any books or anything and is just a belief system and you can put whatever label you want on it, I would have to disagree again. Though it is not based OFF OF a book, you can not put whatever label you want on it. Christianity is not just a belief system but the real deal, God is real whether you believe in Him or not, and you can't just throw it away with all the rest of the beliefs and say you can be gay and Christian at the same time. The bible tells us that women go with men and men with women. We don't make up our morality, it was made from the outset by God.

Firstly, being gay is not a choice which is why that "being gay is a sin" thing is absolutely stupid, it's like saying that you can't be left-handed and jewish.
Secondly (about the labels thing), yea I probably should've worded that better. What I meant was that everyone has a belief system special to them. Some christians don't believe that eating pig is bad, so they do it. This doesn't make them any less christian, nor would eating shellfish have the same results. You can take out certain "rules" to match your beliefs a bit more, so that you're not caught conducting ceremonies that have no meaning to you or praying to a diety you don't believe in. As a witch, casting spells and summoning spirits is a matter of whether or not you believe whatever you do will work. If you pray to God, but don't think God exists, then your prayers will get lost and unanswered because you're essentially putting your hands together and reciting your desires to yourself
Also sorry for responding so late my chromebook died

One more thing about that last part, your ignorance is killing me dude. You've basically managed to block out every other religion and have refused to look at this from a different angle. If I told you that God was just a figment of your imagination because the only diety that exists is the Goddess, you might be annoyed because to YOU that is not true. I don't believe in God, I believe in many other Gods and Goddesses because they match my belief system better than christianity does. Christianity is not the only religion, it is not the first religion, and just because it is the most popular religion at the moment does not mean it is the backbone of all other religions

I know it's not the backbone, it's just the only religion I believe in. Also I didn't pick it because it's most popular (if that was part of your argue, not sure) If you were to tell me that phrase about imagination, not sure I'd get annoyed, but I wouldn't believe it's true right. I haven't considered getting into another religion no. I just really do believe in God and other religions kinda point to God.

Sorry if that popular thing threw you off, I wasn't trying to say that you "chose" your religion because it was the most popular, I was thinking it might've been @FunbunJELLY's thought process.
Yes I agree with the last part, everyone thinks that their religion is the most reasonable and since most religions follow basically the same format it's easy to connect things and see that they might've been talking about your diety(s) and just happen to name their Gods or Goddesses differently. the way @Jelly explained that god exists whether you believe in them or not and how you can't put God into a list with other gods and goddesses seemed to be inferring that all other dieties are invalid and they don't actually exist, which pissed me off a little (sorry if that wasn't your intention).

Aaa see those arguments in the comments above is why bringing religion to a drawing website is a very bad idea