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the lone wolf (let me type)
25.01.2019 22:35
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Once upon a time. Before there were cities, there were just small towns. There was a small silver wolf pup possibly the runt Her name was moon. Moon wasn’t your regular wolf pup. Most wolf pups live in pack with other wolves. Moon didn’t, the packs didn’t accept her like the other pups. So, moon was the outcast. The other pups would make fun of her. Then, one day moon asked a black wolf pup if she wanted to play, she just laughed and responded, "oh why would I play with a rouge?" Then a tawny wolf pup walked up and whispered to the black wolf pup named holly "Didn’t our mother say to stay away from rouges." " Yes, she told us to stay away from them, so let's go before we get into trouble " holly huffed "ok" yipped the tawny wolf pup. The two pups ran to their den. Moon saw a big gray wolf standing at the mouth of the den. Moon thought ‘That must be the mother.’ As she padded away, she thought ‘what does it feel like to be in a pack?’. A mile later she stopped at a hollow. She starte
25.01.2019 22:36
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after there was a small den. Big enough for moon to sleep in. After she got her den done. She went hunting. Moon sniffed the air "niff ", "niff". Soon she scented a deer. Moon leap into a hunter's crouch. She stalked it slowly. In till it drew near. Then the wind changed direction. Moon quickly changed to downwind, so the deer wouldn’t sense her presence. Then she took a mighty leap and landed on the deer. She bit it on the neck. The deer fell limply to the ground. Moon praised herself thinking about the caught. Then she dragged the deer to the hollow. The next day , she leap out of the hollow and padded toward the river. She noticed that the packs wolves were there she slowly back away before they could see her. Then she ran. She ran thinking they didn’t see her. But she was wrong. The tawny pup from yesterday was there and happened to catch a glimpse of moon. Moon ran in till her legs hurt. Then she stopped at a huge oak tree.Once moon saw it, she ran into the tall grass which g
25.01.2019 22:37
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round the tree. In the distant she heard the howling of the pack wolves creeping closer. Moon shuttered the thought of being caught by the pack frightened her. Soon she heard the wolves' howls go towards the south-west side of then forest. Moon sighed in relief knowing that they weren't after here. She padded towards the dark forest. Which is north of the pack's territory. The pack wolves believed that it was cursed. Moon thought that was some silly story older wolves came up with to scare young pups like Moon. Moon ran at paw press speed to the forest. Then she stopped. When horrible memories came into her head. Memories of her past flooded her mind. The memories were strange but familiar. Then she heard a voice. "MOON RUN" shouted the voice. Then images of the forest flooded her mind. But the forest was different than before there were wolves with scars and missing limps. Moon soon realized that this is her memory. Moon saw a white she wolf was Carrying a small silver wolf pup.
25.01.2019 22:38
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Then the strange wolves countered the white wolf and she pleaded " please don’t hurt her take me instead". Then a huge black wolf stepped forward out of the group and growled "Snow you and your pup are nothing but weakness. I'm sorry Snow but the pack cannot have weakness in the pack". Snow yelled "MOON RUN!". Moon saw a big gray wolf in her memory. Which looked like the one she saw at the mouth of the... Moon thought “let's get out of this forest now!” Moon ran as fast as she could in till she was long out of the dark forest. Moon ran all the way to the oak tree and skidded to a stop. She was panting heavily. Moon fell on to soft grass. Moon's eyelids fluttered shut. Moon soon fell asleep. The next morning, she awoke to the sound of howling and paw steps. Coming closer. Moon quickly jumped to her paws and ran as fast as she could towards the dark forest. She ran right in to a huge rock.Moon realized that there were strange wolves surrounding her. Moon tucked her tail between her legs and flatted
25.01.2019 22:40
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her ears tightly. The wolves look startling familiar.Moon spotted a white she-wolf in the circle around her. The very same one from that dreaded memory. Moon closed her eyes as tight as she could hope it was a nightmare. Moon quickly opened her eyes to the white she-wolf standing in front of her. Moon soon figured out that the wolf was defending her like the silver pup in her memory. The white wolf turned towards moon and spoke softly " moon is that you." was so scared at the moment Moon shuddered "... yessss..myyy....nammee...isss.... moooon." The white wolfs face lit up " Moon I'm your mother!" she yipped moon jumped back in surprise. The she-wolf said, " I'm your mother my name is Snow, and this is your pack and birthplace!" She chirped. Then a big scarred black wolf made his way into the clearing.
25.01.2019 22:41
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"Snow you know better than just inviting random pups in to the pack " he said in a dark tone and gave moon an unsettling glare. Snow replied, " YES Shadow I know ' only strong can belong' you told us that same phrase since your father ruled over this forest when we were pups." Shadow hollered at her as his mate as she turned away and faced towards moon " well you could have forgotten!" " oh yes, I did shadow" snow yowled sarcastically." Well I've might have got deaf from how many times you said it!" She added angrily. She picked up moon by the scruff and stormed out of the clearing in to the forest. Once they were far away from the pack snow put moon down. " I guess I have to tell you why I left you" she breathed. " it all started about a year and a half ago when you were born". " you were the smallest pup I ever seen your father thought the same..." " um is that big black wolf my father moon said with caution. " I afraid so moon" she said as she nuzzled moon head." Now let's get back to the story.
25.01.2019 22:42
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Your father shadow didn’t think you would survive till your six moons old so by the laws of the pack I had to case you out or..." She started crying " they would kill you." Moon licked away her mother's tears. "mum it's not your fault you were just following the laws. " moon" her mother said, " the laws have on chance a runt can rejoin the pack when there your age and they go through the challenges." " the challenges?" Moon said wondering what they were. "the challenges are tree test each pup would have to take to become a full member of the pack.
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