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16.10.2018 05:26
Linkok so this whole dinobrx thing is spiraling way out of control
people's reputations are getting ****ing ruined
people are getting constantly stalked from what some people have told me and are afraid to do anything on their account
someone's going around telling people to die
how the ****
okay hold on
im gonna be real
sure some of the people against dinobrx are a bit rude in their criticism. but their saving grace is that they actually tried being nice the first time, but dino overlooked it and made them mad. now they're all angry at her and she's wondering why they can't be nicer and they're all saying that they already gave her a chance.
i have to point out sarahatemysandwich, though. she told dinobrx to die or something one time, and i just kind of let it slide. but now that it's happening to me and a lot of others on my side, i have to say that it's really not acceptable. death shouldn't be taken lightly.
now onto dinobrx's side.
16.10.2018 05:26
Linkoh boy.
her side, as i like to call the "dinocult" has become iNCREDIBLY toxic and isn't getting any better anytime soon. you know that person i mentioned earlier that was telling people to die/ kill themselves? yeah, big dinocult member, wolves-arefriendstoo is that person.
dinobrx isn't helping anything at all. she's playing the victim card and completely ignoring when the dinocult harasses people, being actual bullies to people. instead of telling them to stop, she instead cheers them on. but whenever the slightest little criticism comes her way, she's playing possum when it's just 10 miles away and can't even see her yet. i don't think she realizes how toxic the dinocult has become, i mean there's been ACTUAL, not implied, DEATH THREATS. lIKE NO, THAT'S NOT OKAY IN THE SLIGHTEST. it doesn't matter if you're joking. it's not okay and if you're doing it you need to stop.
dinobrx, if you're reading- which i know you are- all we're asking for is proof you cut. send us an ibb link of a picture of your
16.10.2018 05:26
Linksend us an ibb link of a picture of your cuts. then boom, all your problems are gone and nobody bugs you anymore. this whole, overly-dramatic, baneful, hateful argument can all be over. don't try and be slick and look up "wrist cuts" or something, 'cause i'll be checking everywhere for any pictures you stole.
if you are faking, dino, just come clean. even if people are mad at you, the argument will be over a lot faster than you think when you just tell us the truth. we're all depending on you to break this toxic cycle and clear everyone's name. do it so i can die happy knowing i didn't die arguing with a 10 year old over the internet.
i know it sounds hypocritical, but can't we just stop this arguing already?? it's getting stressful even for me, and i'm supposed to be the stubborn one. at this point i'm actually willing to forgive dino, and take the blame if she actually wasn't lying.
anyways. please don't start an argument in the comments. i'm going to try not to start one up again myse
16.10.2018 05:27
Link i'm going to try not to start one up again myself.
let's try and make flipanim just that much of a better place for a bit, mk? it's shitty enough as it is, it doesn't need this.
16.10.2018 05:54
Linkif a person would fake depression and stir up drama like this, sure, maybe they DONT have depression, but they still have some srs mental issues and i have a bit of sympathy for them
16.10.2018 06:01
Linkmost of the problem is then just being oblivious, ignorant and childish to be honest. it's the dinocult that's making most of the problem even worse.
just because something like this happens and it's mainly centered around one person doesn't mean they have mental issues. dino's like ten, keep that in mind.
16.10.2018 12:55
Linkcan we just all end this and say sorry before it gets worse i told my friend even if they say mean Things dont say die back
16.10.2018 12:57
Linkonly if you take the criticism and improve and don't start drama over dumb shit like this anymore.
16.10.2018 12:59
Linklisten im sorry im just not used to so much hate seeing im just a kid so i dont know how to take it but im so sorry
16.10.2018 12:59
Linkand yes i am 10 i turned 10 the 29 september
16.10.2018 13:00
Linki'm a kid my danm self!
16.10.2018 13:01
Linkso maybe im not used to hate
16.10.2018 13:02
Linki am, i used to be a sans fangirl it was hard getting 200 followers with the way my username looks
16.10.2018 13:03
LinkYeah but i like Your username
16.10.2018 13:04
Linki hate it now that i'm not a sans fangirl any more..
16.10.2018 13:05
Linkoh i wish you could change Your username
16.10.2018 13:05
Linki wish i could but i'm waiting for that option
Comment removed
16.10.2018 13:06
Linktrue hopefully they add it soon
16.10.2018 13:07
Linksoon,whenever the next update is.
Finally someone says it, It's annoying for ppl to assume others lives, but if the depression is fake, it's fine, but dam, people can get mad at some shit now. Seriously it's really toxic, and it's just dumb. I didn't cuz I don't want pissed ppl will be saying I am defending him
One of her fans stalked me. But that wasn’t necessarily her..... but she DID encourage everyone to keep attacking us