Fanart for Random-animal-lover
02.12.2019 01:28
Linkwait. why r u following me? ur art is amazing and my art is bad. im so confused.
02.12.2019 01:31
LinkI was looking through random updates and I saw your art! We have the same name in our name thingy so I checked you out. Your art is really good! I sense a lot of improvement in the future too! I like to follow people who seem nice and put a lot of effort in thier art. I saw that in you so I followed! :)
02.12.2019 02:06
Linki do try to put effort in my art and i try new things in my art like the backround part of my avatar. i am trying my best to improve. thank you so much for following me beacuse ur art is amazing and just knowing that somebody with this kind of skill followed me gives me a lot more confidence. while i was reading this i relized my art isnt that horrible. thanks so much :)
02.12.2019 03:36
LinkNo problem! Also, you looking up to me as someone with a lot of skill helps me with my confidence too! Not that long ago, I felt like my art was nothing compared to everyone else's. I just tried my best to improve and eventually got better at art in general. Thank you so much for helping me remember that there are wonderful people in the world like you! :)