(spoilers , srry) ~she left..~


01.07.2021 20:36

01.07.2021 20:37
LinkBABY!!! *hugs* why did you leave without warning me and giving me some info to contact you ?!

01.07.2021 20:39
LinkI’m sorry…I was scared..

01.07.2021 20:40
Linkwhy?? what were you scared of?

01.07.2021 20:42
LinkIdk…I just get scared and I actually was going to just leave social media in all because I hated having to risk commenting and ppl get mad at me..

01.07.2021 20:43
LinkAnd I felt you could find someone better then me..

01.07.2021 20:45
Linkbaby , its ok. you could've just given me an email , i wouldnt be mad at you if you didnt want to but i would've at least liked a good bye . but its ok, as long as you are safe and happy. ive missed you a lot

01.07.2021 20:47
LinkI was thinking abt if I should actually just leave…everything…not leave like for a little then come back just leave life…I’m sorry

01.07.2021 20:47
Linkand i love you , you make me so happy. i dont thunk i could ever find anyone i loved more.

01.07.2021 20:47
Link Most are better then me so…it’s no surprise if you found someone new

01.07.2021 20:47
Linkand if you kill yourself thatd make me so sad , i just want you to be happy so if thats what you need to do then ok...

01.07.2021 20:48
Linkand i could never find anyone new!

01.07.2021 20:50
LinkThat’s what I’m scared..I want you to be happy…so if I die and you are still here without me…and can’t find someone new…then that scares me I want you to find someone else to love because you never know when I could die in a car crash or something like that…and I’m also scared are relationship will fall apart because i am not very open..

01.07.2021 20:56
Linkdo you just want t exange emails so maybe we can talk still or maybe phone numbers? and its ok , as long as you know you can always talk to me because i do really care about you. but if your sugesting breaking up then i guess we can as long as your happy

01.07.2021 20:59
LinkMy gmail is killuasssimp@gmail.com
Don’t judge me 😶🌫️

01.07.2021 21:00
Linki never will since i have an embarrassing one too. let me send an email.

01.07.2021 21:11
Linkits been sent , hopefully. im neoncat8@outlook.com