- create flipbook animations online!
17.06.2024 04:11
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i think a lot about my past and all of the wonderful people i've known in my time. i regret almost everything i've done in the past. i wish i had a second chance to go back and tell them that i'm sorry and make up for everything i've done and said somehow. i was such a terrible person for so long and i really hurt some absolutely lovely people that simply didn't deserve it. i hope they're doing okay. i'm glad the friends i have have stuck around with me for as long as they have. i don't deserve them but i wouldn't be alive without them and i wouldn't be me without them. i probably would've spiralled into an even worse person if it weren't for all of them. maybe i reminisce too much. ill probably use flipanim as an outlet to actually speak my mind since i'm too embarrassed to do it anywhere i'm known. but i still like talking to myself. so maybe there will be more rambling in the future, who knows
17.06.2024 04:18
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i really truly miss all of them very dearly. they really did mean a lot to me but i didn't know how to express myself or my emotions and i had so much repressed rage for so many reasons and it all turned around on them. i hope they don't think negatively of me still and if they do i hope it at least isn't often they think of me. i don't really blame any of them for abandoning the person i was. but i will forever despise the memory of myself for driving them away. i still have a long way to go but i've come so far from who i was i think. at least i'm able to show that to those that care about me still.
17.06.2024 04:22
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i also don't think i'd really blame any of them if we ever did get into contact again and they decided not to forgive me. i'd be lying if i said i wasn't borderline abusive to some of them. it tears my heart apart to think of the pain i caused them and i really only wish to make it right. but as a victim of a variety of abuse myself i also understand how hard it is to forgive someone that has treated you like that. maybe they don't view it that way though. either way i wish all of them only the best.
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