OOooh! I usually only do fcfs...yeeah. WHAT IF I MAKE THE WHOLE CREATURES OF GREEK MYTHOOLOGY ONLY 1 ANIM DIFFERENT TYPES OF ADOPTS?!!!!! Sorry. I;m just kinda really excited
Nah. I know how to save things. I don't have TOO TOO much to do any ways. A custom and a few fan arts(I already have the sketch for all of em) but that's it...,online_chips:greek+mythology&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6qqfWi43rAhVHAzQIHUUACqAQ4lYoDHoECAEQIQ&biw=1905&bih=1120#imgrc=WaRnD8EhQUy_xM
oop. I think ya already know oh welp