Serious post guys, read below
16.05.2021 18:56
16.05.2021 18:56
LinkYall I gotta be honest I need a little help.
So I have these little laminated pictures of various animated characters I become obsessed with and they keep my stress in check, like I hold or pet them and it makes me feel better sorta thing
I believe its got something to do with my autism and its a hyperfixation thing but like the problem is I'm low-key being made fun of for it at my school? And like I don't know what to do.
I'd get rid of them but honestly they mean so much to me. Even if to you they are just laminated images of characters stolen from Google.
If you need proof you bet I can send it. This isn't a joke.
16.05.2021 18:58
LinkBefore yall start harassing me and calling me names just know you will be blocked
16.05.2021 18:59
LinkI've kept this a secret for years now and I want help. I'm too old for this.
if your being made fun of it at school, I'd recommend ignoring them if possible or reporting those people to the principal/supervisor/director? you can have the images even if it's silly to them, it makes you comfortable!
this might not help, but yea ^^;
I honestly dont think I'll have a good answer as I'm not ND, but have you considered perhaps turning them into pendants?
You can keep them under a hoodie or a shirt but also around your neck and this kind of stuff reduces my anxiety so maybe it'll work for you too.
I am honestly unsure how to help you in a situation like this.
But, You can always try exercises in reducing stress. Maybe instead of having the physical characters on hand, you could think about them while taking deep breaths.
Again not sure how to help, these are suggestions.
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