Request #2 Cocoadoggo45

The Pink Trait



Tesla's fire


Angel sends u lots of love <3
sorry anglepup10


04.12.2020 16:53
Linkmy mom said i have to say sorry
but i still hate you and you are a big meenie
and all your frends are meenies too
and i am sorry so you have to be nise to me

04.12.2020 16:53
Linkyou made me get my ipad taken away for the rest of the day

04.12.2020 18:33
LinkYou literally just said ´I still hate you´ and then said ´I am sorry so you have to be nice to me´

Oh, your mom made you say sorry? At least she did one good thing. Still hate me? Good I still hate you too, *****. All my friends are meanies? Uh-huh, okay. Surrreeee. And now I have to be nice to you now?! HA AS IF!
Oh I made the wittle six year old loose their pwecious tablet? Good. I'm glad.
Comment removed

GUYS, SHUT UP. ilovecats532, you can't say "I'm sorry" and then say "I hate you". That is NOT a real apology.
Angepup, not to get on your bad side (bc I respect you bro) but you NEED to be more mature than this. I know you can be.
In fact, everyone here can be more mature than this! Cussing at a six year old will only make it worse, guys. You need to understand that.
and ilovecats, you need to be nice too. If you say sorry, MEAN IT.
I didnt want to get into the middle of this conflict, but I saw that neither of you will change!