cuphead boss concepts


27.10.2022 03:58
Linkbenson = 🤓

27.10.2022 04:11
Linka bit of context: harold has dreams that can come alive and become actual attacks against the player, these dreams are randomized but also have varied difficulties to beat, he should be about medium difficulty.
phase 2 of benson will have him eating a whole ass apple and then growing in size immensely, he will summon out mongolian death worms to attack the player and try to use his hand to crush you this phase, easy-medium difficulty, but intense fight nonetheless.
kingston will call out a barrage of shark gummies with varied sizes, alongside other undecided attacks, phase 2 will have a couple of spinning pyramids you have to deal with (djimmi flashbacks), that shoot out their spikes like missiles from time to time. phase 3 has the boss reduced to a skeleton and fighting with the remaining powers he has left before knockout, medium-hard difficulty.

27.10.2022 04:11
Linkbirnbaum quadruplets are gonna be a lot harder than even chef saltbaker himself, i havent decided on many attacks tho. look it up if you wanna know what the bosses look like cause im not drawing em