
Zim's arrival

(,,Ծ‸Ծ,, ) ^^

My oc animation

Walk the plank

He can't use chopsticks

kakashi fixed
Everyone’s drifting away aga


02.01.2021 02:04
Linkddo you wanna talk-??

02.01.2021 02:05

02.01.2021 02:08
Linkno its ok-

02.01.2021 02:10

02.01.2021 02:13

02.01.2021 02:13

02.01.2021 02:15
Linkoh man--
you arent a boring person at all.
and ii know that im one of the people who are doing it-
im sorry. i just really dont know what to talk about honestly,,
ill try to talk to you more and such!
iim really sorry-

02.01.2021 02:23
LinkIt’s really fine

02.01.2021 02:23
LinkI just
Am stupid

02.01.2021 02:28
Linkno you arent-
i would
probably feel the same way iif it happened again to me too so-

02.01.2021 02:31

It’s so stupid
I mean I know I’m boring and not the kind of friend people stay with. I’m that guy that’s helpful as a friend for a short while and just is forgotten.
Call an old friend. Doesn’t remember me until I give a detailed explanation. Calls me by Riley or some shit. That’s normal.
Still, it ****in hurts when you realize that your former friends don’t talk to you. People just three months ago were your bffs until you got sent to a ****in mental hospital, and then you come back to realize the people you wanted to talk to hardly talk to you
At this point the only one that talks to me regularly is Mist. Everyone else is like ‘oh. Yeah. You exsist’ even milo, despite him talking a bit more than others
The main person I want to talk to on another website keeps making excuses not to talk to me.
I wish I wasn’t emotional about is. Everything would be great. I miss being oblivious to people leaving me. This ****in sucks. It sucks to have separation anxiety and severe depression. God. This is so

Hey azzy listen
You aren't boring at all
You're actually really really interesting. People are always going to drift away, no matter what you do. Yes, its a scary thought, but it's part of life. They may not always drift away because of the way you act or who you are, but maybe because they just aren't right for you. Azzy I would never stop being friends with you, and that's a promise. If it seems like I'm drifting away from you, I'm not. Sometimes I just need a mental breather and stop talking to most of my friends for awhile. It doesn't mean I don't like u or anything like that lmao.