04.01.2021 06:34
04.01.2021 06:40
Linkon fa ive made many friends, and a few enemies.
i met a couple of these people outside of the website irl, or on discord, but the two people on this website that really bring me joy i met. i heard their voice, and we shared laughs, but also angry yells. i wont be able to see one of them again irl, but the other person i will hopefully see again on discord. but the point is,
i love all of you, but lately ive been feeling unwanted. some people may talk about me negatively, and some may treat me like crap to my face. Otheres will make fun of my friends. and you guys know how i am when people are mean to my friends,
i jump in.
im taking a break. im gonna force myself to. I HAVE TO. so...
Max... do me a favor. be careful out there-
scarlet-night, continue on those awesome art skills-
silent princess. wow. weve been friends forever. so all i can say is... ill miss you.
04.01.2021 11:42
Linkok fine ill get on in the mornings
04.01.2021 11:43
Linkjeez this site is addictive
sdskjnsdj where do i even begin-
Ik you're offline but i just wanna say i'm sorry for being an ass and talking smack- I just got really bad vibes from this acc from the start and I thought you were trying to separate a friend group, and i just wanna say i'm really- really sorry- but i am not sorry for disliking you, now that might change, but for now, I don't reeallly like you that much- and again- i'm sorry for being an ass and thinking mean things about you, and i'm sorry for antagonizing you-