A very interesting question


01.07.2020 00:50
LinkO wow.... umm

01.07.2020 00:50
LinkThis considers some thinking!

01.07.2020 00:51

01.07.2020 00:52
Linknot rlly at all swearing is just a way of showing ur anger

01.07.2020 01:01
LinkYea, but when they say it like 5 times in a row then ya...

17.08.2020 01:27

Killing a child or baby, they are the most innocent things and they can literally do nothing to stop anything thats happening to them.

When you give someone so many chances and they take advantage each time of you each time until you are COMPLETELY broken inside, leaving you to hate yourself and just wonder what you ever did to deserve it all.

calling someone by their dead name and using the wrong pronouns when they know the correct name and pronouns
its disgusting

I don't consider myself a hero of justice, or anything like that, but those who'd hurt my friends, I can never forgive!

ummm well there was this one time i would consider this unforgivable is when we had a sube for my morning bus driver and this dog fell on the rode and he sped up and ran over him and reversed and ran over him a 2 time i started to cry cuz i thought it was my dog but it turned ot to be the dog that followed me and m sis to the bus stop he was deff so thats why he did not move out of the way im still recovering of that event his job got taken away and this kid in my bus punched him and got expelled but hi fought to avenge bear the dog evryone knew him he was so kind and loving R.I.P BEAR forever in my hart

it alright he just lives next door and he just had to come back becous of cobid 19 and now he just laughs at us i rlly want to beat his ass but im not that mean and he is old enough to understand that he cant be doing that. my littel sis cry´s every night and i can hear her preying for that guy not to do anithing to her i try to help her but i just hate seeing her like this she locks her self in her room i dont know what to do

I had a stalker for a few years in middle school who texted me way too much for comfort and asked a lot of questions about my body and other very disturbing and personal things.
I have this new stalker now who I just blocked but I'll have to wait till i get back in school to see if she actually does anything to me. Yippee
My older sister had a rapist boyfriend who she would often invite into our house in the middle of the night when he manipulated her. Yeah it was a good thing she broke up with him when she did since he could have done whatever he wanted when were asleep, luckily nothing happened & she got a restraining order.
I had to see some asshole threaten my little 11 year old brother with an unopened pocket knife and verbally assault him in a crowed bus for a good 20 minutes.
One of family members made an actual threat towards me when I noticed some suspicious behavior. They threatened to cut me to keep my mouth shut.
And I almost lost my older sister to suicide 5 times in 2018.

If someone messes with my feelings and then try just say it's a joke.
And basically everything in the world right now. Including pridefall.

any form of hate, abuse, disrespect, etc. killing is also unforgivable, but if it's in self-defense then I can understand bc I've been in that type of situation before, no one died, and I luckly got way with only a couple of scars. TBH I don't know what happened to my attacker other than a broken arm and a stab wound to the shoulder.

I'd say bullying someone to the point of them breaking and feeling like nobody wants them around anymore, so they end up feeling like just being wiped off the face of the planet so nobody has to deal with the mess that they've become, and when they try to help others, when they need help the most, people just turn a blind eye.
Alright now that rant is over

Crime against children, making people Expresso Depresso,
everything that @Electrovice said
Poisoning people
murder (except if you did it in self defense)
abuse(animals and humans)
Annnd more