Houston, we have a problem.


28.01.2020 01:02
LinkSo.. Bad news... I was watching TV and sittin on the couch.. and then I accadentally kicked my computer off the couch and it broke the charging cord and the inside of the power port.. THIS MEANS that once my computer dies, its dead forever.. THAT MEANS that I may be inactive for a couple days because I'll have to order a new computer ;-; hopefully I can find a way to keep drawing..

28.01.2020 01:02
LinkI'm so sorry that happened. ;-;

28.01.2020 01:03
LinkOof :-; I hope you find a new charger soon

28.01.2020 01:03
Linkoh noe! <:0

28.01.2020 01:09
if only the charger broke, It wouldn't be that big of a deal, but my COMPUTER broke.. so it wont charge no matter what..

28.01.2020 01:11
LinkOH GOD I was skimming through it and I didn't see that, whatever you do do NOT but ur computer or whatever from Wish. The prices might be cheap but it has terrible quality

28.01.2020 01:12
LinkGot it thx for the advice, I'll probably go Amazon or Ebay

28.01.2020 01:17

28.01.2020 01:26
LinkOh. More bad news is that I have saved every drawing since I stared doing realism, so I'd say around 50 drawings... THEY'RE GONE AFTER IT DIES ;-;
but... thank the gods that my drawing tablet didn't break, I would have been a lot more sad.

28.01.2020 01:32
LinkNoooo ;-; all that hard work

28.01.2020 01:33
Linkat least it will always be on FlipAnim.com :)

28.01.2020 01:49

28.01.2020 01:55

28.01.2020 02:39
LinkHow do you draw so great so fast?

28.01.2020 03:05
LinkHey, email the drawing files to yourself. You can then download it on a new computer from your email.

28.01.2020 03:44
LinkWould I have to go though every file, transfer them to ufile.io and then email every link to my email?...
Cuz if so, my computer would definitely die by then

28.01.2020 07:20
LinkUse a usb

28.01.2020 17:54
Linktransfer all the files into a card and move to new one. You dont have to go one bu one, just do a transfer all thing.

28.01.2020 18:41
LinkSad to hear, hope you will have a new computer and come back!
FlipAnim is dead without your arts.

28.01.2020 19:10
LinkI will Thank you!

28.01.2020 20:35
LinkIf flipanim didn't have you, the world would explode in 2 seconds

28.01.2020 21:30
LinkHow the heck do you draw on a computer??? I'd break my fingers! I need to use an ipad or something with a freaking touch screen!!!

28.01.2020 22:19
LinkI have a drawing tablet that lets me draw as if it is on paper

28.01.2020 23:24
LinkI hope you can get a new computer! Otherwise introduce yourself to the more challenging world that is mobile device drawing on flipanim

29.01.2020 00:00
LinkYeah hehe probably not gunna switch to mobile everr sorry XD
Ill get a new computer soon

30.01.2020 20:39
LinkThis is so ironic

30.01.2020 20:40
LinkHouston we have a problem refers to when an astronaut is in a space shuttle and something goes wrong, they say ‘Houston we have a problem’

30.01.2020 20:40
LinkAnd there is a problem, you broke your computer

30.01.2020 20:40
Comment removed

01.02.2020 22:06
LinkI broke my laptop screen before and I had to get a new one, THEN the processer fried to a crisp, so now I'm using ANOTHER laptop .-.

04.02.2020 20:36
Linkthat's literally why I made this drawing @justguy1901

14.02.2020 22:26
LinkWait something else fried not the processor, I can't remember though...

10.07.2020 13:20
LinkOmg 😮 I remember one day I spilled water on my computer is was dead so my dad PLUGGED IT IN XD then the computer fried and everything was lost now I use an ipad

27.09.2020 15:11
Linkthis is bad but I have to say this is so cool! (I know not the right time)

05.10.2020 16:13

06.11.2020 15:32
LinkGirl: Do u even want to be with me forever?
Boy: No
Girl: Do u even like me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would u cry if i walked away?
Boy: No
She heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes
The boy grabbed her arm
Boy: Your not pretty...your beautiful
Boy: I dont want to be with u forever...I need to be with u forever
Boy: I dont like u...I love u
Boy: I wouldn't cry if u walked away......I would die if u walked away.
Boy Whispers: Plz stay with me
Girl: I will...
*Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they loves u
*Something good will happen to u at 1-4pm
*Tomorrow it could be anywhere!!!
*Get ready for the shock of your life!
*If u dont post this to 5 other comments... You will have baD luck in relationships for the next 10 years

30.11.2020 23:50
LinkAdvertisement for my profile pic it took an hour

16.12.2020 05:18
Oh, That's so sad.
sorry for that

02.02.2021 16:39
Linksign back in on the new computer

17.02.2021 14:24
Linkdang rip the computer
Comment removed

07.04.2021 20:01
Linkfeature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature feature

tag studio12 in this my boy gonna love this ....man i like this one bruh
can u draw me ...

The very wise words of jack Swigert of Apollo 13
What would be the 3rd moon landing, but had gone wrong due to an oxygen leak which blew the side of the CM(command module)
In order to get back to earth, they used the LM decent engine(the main engine on the bottom of the lunar module that would decent the module to the lunar surface) when the game behind the moon to get to the right trajectory for a earth encounter, but due to the oxygen leak they would of been dead if they hadn’t swapped CO2 filters from the LM OVER TO THE CM

ok you could save your photos on a hard drive or burn them onto a dvd just so you dont loose your art

Why So much comments? just put it in a like a file then send all of your drawings in your own messenger profile (so it would be private) then when your computer/laptop breaks get a new computer/laptop THEN make your own way to your messenger profile and ALL of your drawings are MESSEGED AND SAVED from there... Hopefully, or you can just get some ideas from your friends T>T