Now lemme type ^^ 💛!


12.04.2021 07:22
Link(A few weeks ago)
"Okay so my Easter break starts in three days :D 💛! I am
so happy! But the thing is that I am going to my grandparents!
Okay now, if you're lucky, your grandparents have wifi :o 💛!
I am happy to go to my grandparents, but they don't have
wifi :( 💛! So i don't wanna spend much money on my phone and
Basically... I won't be able to upload Fa animations or Comment
a lot 💛! I am gonna try to contact you sometimes, but i won't
Be able to animate so much :'D 💛! Well, i am leaving tomorrow
evening... Yeah! Basically, I won't be online much for a few
weeks starting tomorrow evening ^^ 💛! Well, see you! I am gonna
be animating today and tomorrow as much as k can before i go ^^ 💛!"
So, basically, my Easter break is over now :D 💛! But...

12.04.2021 07:22
LinkI am still at my grandparents and imma be doing my school work here! I have internet, but i am gonna use it for school ^^ 💛! Basically, i won't be able to upload often, but imma be uploading more than during my Easter break! I'll be home in a few weeks, so then i'll be able to upload as normally again ^^ 💛!