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Chapter two
08.02.2021 21:19
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The white building gleamed in the dappled multicolored moonlight. Next to the door that led to the out-door dorms, was a dorm on the inside of the building, for the girls. One girl, who was 14 years of age, had rosy skin, with long curly hair the color of maple leaves in fall. Her eyes were pale blue, like lilacs. She had a yellow shirt and a brown leather vest. She wore khaki shorts, and combat boots. Her name was Spirit. No one knew where she came from. She was a mystery, for she was washed up on the side of the dome 7 years of age, with no memory of who she was before, except her name. And that studied her just fine. “Spirit!!!” Spirit turned to find a girl, a year younger than her, with hair the color of a raven’s wing, dark green eyes and hazelnut skin. Holly was undoubtedly beautiful, with her long black locks draping over her shoulders like a waterfall. Holly wore a dark green dress that matched her eyes, with a black ribbon at her waist. She wore white tights, and black dress shoes.
08.02.2021 21:19
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She was the best dressed in all of Nimrod. So, naturally everyone who got close to her was respected. She spent a lot of time with Spirit, because she was the only other girl around Holly’s age. Spirit was slightly annoyed by this, but said nothing, because Holly was the only other girl there. “Hello Holly.” Spirit said absently. “What are you doing today?” Holly pressed, studying Spirit carefully. “I don’t know. Whatever my mentor wants, I guess.” “ Yeah…” Holly sighed, and they headed out of the dorm, talking about what their mentors might decide for them to do that day. A group of boys their age waited outside, expressions brightening as they saw the girls. The oldest, age 16, had brown skin, and a mop of curly dark brown hair lay on his forehead. His eyes were a strange piercing blue. But there was a problem. He had no arms. That was a big problem. He was the general’s squire. Standing next to him was Chavez, and a dusty red head, Theo, and a blonde, Zion.
08.02.2021 21:20
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“Hey Spirit, Hey Holly.” Said the blue-eyed boy. “ Hello Jeske.” Spirit said, tossing her hair slightly. He smiled, but the smile faded as the door to the outside. Void slipped in, hoping no one would notice him. He hurried past, clutching the strap of my bag, his knuckles white. “Oi look. It's the demon child.” Some one jeered, and the group murmured encouragingly. Void flinched, and quickened his pace. “Where are you doing?” Jeered Chavez as Void passed him. He turned pale. In an instant, Jeske shot out his foot, kicking Void in the knee. He yelped with pain, and fell face flat on the floor. The six of them circled over Void, like vultures, jeering, and taunting. Occasionally one kicked him, and he curled up in a ball, but when Spirit kicked him right below the ribs, that's when he let out a cry of pain, and hugged his knees, and refused to loosen his grip. “I’m hungry. Let's go get breakfast,” complained Chavez, and the others nodded.
08.02.2021 21:21
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“ Well, we can’t just leave him here in the middle of the hallway.” Spirit pointed out, tossing her fall colored hair. The group nodded. They found a tin trash bin in the corner next to the door, and cramped Void into it, moving the trash bin back where it was. Spirit spun on her heels, sharply walking towards the end of the hallway, her fall colored hair bouncing in rhythm as she walked, and everyone followed her, like usual. Well, everyone but Void, who was in the tin can, groaning with pain. The tile of the floor was an off- white, the walls a patchwork of whites, grays, and browns from random repairs. Near the center of the hallway was a wooden door-frame painted red, coated with splinters, and brown from wear in some spots. Leaning on the tattered wall inside the room, was a remarkably tall elf, with long blond hair and bright searching green eyes. His shirt was worn and brown, at his waistline was a belt that held a dagger with an emblem of a full-grown dragon holding a shield.
08.02.2021 21:23
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His name was Nathan, and he was Void’s mentor, not only that, but the guardian of Nimrod, or should you use the proper term if you were ever to meet him, Hero of Nimrod. He watched, his eyes piercing each soul that walked into the room, making Spirit’s skin crawl with unease. He was looking for Void, and everyone knew it. When the last of them walked in, he clicked his tongue, and he walked to the raised platform where he, the leader, Selene, and the mechanic, Spirit’s mentor, Rowan, sat, and started talking urgently to them. Spirit held her head up high, and walked into the room, scanning the seats for her name. It was in the same place every day, but she might as well check. She wasn’t surprised when she saw the meal was watered down grits in a mush they called “Sand soup” that they had for nearly every meal. Spirit watched her mentor, Selene and Nathan talk, curious of how this would end. Selene nodded, and Nathan stood up to face everyone.
08.02.2021 21:25
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“Where’s Void?” He demanded, his voice full of venom, making a lot of people sink back in their chairs. A soft murmur rippled through the group of people. “He- he’s in the hall” Stuttered Theo, refusing to look anyone in the eyes. Nathan stormed out, glaring at anyone who dared look at him. Everyone turned to stare at the door frame, where Nathan was standing, his nails pierced through the wood, chest heaving with anger. He turned and glared at the group one last time, then stormed down the hall, towards where Void was.
08.02.2021 21:25
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(done with two)
08.02.2021 21:25
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noice now where do I perchus this fine book and at what price
08.02.2021 21:26
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hahaha. chapter 7 is done, all four books planned out completely, but uh... not published
08.02.2021 21:51
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