Late night vent lmt


28.06.2022 03:56

28.06.2022 04:02
LinkSo imagine just realizing how God awful your childhood was
you see
I was like, I think this is borderline neglect
I wasn't fed very often, whenever I was it was like, forced (aka being screamed at over not wanting to eat a b u r n t hot dog, and them crowding around you and yelling at you to finish the huge bowl of cabbage soup)
I wasn't even taught proper hygiene
I literally went out and played with other kids in my pajamas I think
Or was it the fact I slept in my clothes and wore the same outfit for days on end bc no one said anything and I thought it was okay
but anyways down to the scary part
Got one of my plushies arm rupped off because I was like 3 and sat too close to the TV
Got my entire room trashed because I stole a ramen noodle package because I was like, starving
Got cornered and screamed at to the point of fear induced hyperventilation
Got like weiRd army punishments like, forced to hold a book over my head or stare at a wall for an hour?
or write 4000 sentences when-

28.06.2022 04:07
LinkI didn't even know what one was?
and slapping me over bubble bath??
anyways now it's just turned to degrading me, gaslighting me
Literally taking away my "privilege" to draw my characters?
Telling me I'm not my own person? Like boo you own me or smthn?
OH YEAH speaking of that I got army punishment because I "lied" about schoolwork when all I said was "ayo I need to finish my reading stuff"
When I had some questions to answer
My god it was the end of the world
I also remember getting like kicked down the stairs when I was a toddler because my parents were fighting? And lemme tell you, even carpeted those stairs were hellish
Biitch asses didn't even be like "yo, cooch goblin you ok?"
like yeah let me just die of brain damage
anyways enjoy your restraining order it's on the house

28.06.2022 04:07
LinkImagine liking a vent that's cringe

Bro your parents sound like shit, you don't deserve that seriously, I hope you get out of there to a better place lemme know if I can help

Ohh Jesus I hope your ok I remember that one punishment where you just stare at a corner and do nothing and you can't turn around it was weird

Yeah I had a abusive step mom and I never did anything but just sit there and stare at the door way which there was no door just a blanket covering it and no joke this woman would come into my mine and my little step sisters room and grab me by the shirt of my collar and scream in my face while I for awhile had a reaction until I didn't know what fvucken emotions were and thought this was normal I was only 5

Yeah and I had no escape because she and my dad never sent me to school so I was a dumb kid and there was another time we're she locked me and my sister in my room and my sister went to the bathroom because we could not get out and she got angry and another time she didn't just hurt me my sister said she's gonna go and see if dinners done and next thing I know I hear a loud slap and she comes back crying the only person in my family that could come and see me is my grandmother and she could tell something was off eventually I was able to get out of there but I was still pretty quiet ot took time to get me to be able to speak again but yeah I think you can guess why I hated that punishment sooo much

I think the unnecessary anger and violence and mind control is the crappy part.
Like hygiene is questionable because kids are usually not bothered by it and its not that big of a deal. I wear my clothes for 2-3 days at a time. I don't stink and no one is grossed out by me. I used to be a religious 40 minute shower daily type of person but now I don't feel dirty after skipping a day. And then lack of food is subject too because sometimes we adults are broke af, lol. They didn't have to slap you though.
I think your parents just had a lot of drama between them and they took it out on you. Its okay to feel angry about it. I let go a lot of my resentment towards my parents but you can't let go until you fully digest your feelings and how their actions have effected you. I'm not saying they're right for doing these things but everyone makes mistakes.

i understand mistakes happen but Jesus Christ
just because you're broke doesn't mean you just ignore your kid all day
actually wait, if they were so broke why' they just by me a bunch of plushies and cartoons?,,, yet not feed me?,,, uh
I think health is more important than plushies,,,,,,
but the hygiene was borderline I didn't even have a toothbrush i dont think
and slept in my clothes for like a week
on the bright side i have learned enough hygiene to be gorgeous and smell wonderful
i will never understand adults, like, okay you have drama but youre going to slap your kid and kick them down the stairs over it?? even by accident but didnt even feel bad afterwards??
and then demand my respect? like bruh, if i have to earn your respect youre going to have to earn mine, and so far you aint got nothing but a restraining order
dudes be like "oh we may degrade our kid for fun and legit tell them we love the dog and not them bc we think its funny but we are still the greatest parents in the world"

And well, I empathize with your struggles because my list of abuse is a lot longer and I've come to be okay with what happened for the most part. I don't mean to be dismissive of you at all but my childhood was probably a lot worse, lol.
I'm stronger now since time has past and I can have a better relationship with people who were dicks to me because they apologized for it. It gets easier when you move out and have time away from each other.

Yeah, I know man. Adults have stupid priorities and sometimes its hard to understand them. Parents also don't tell you their life situations too which makes them even more confusing.
Like If my mom would have told me things like "I'm sorry, you're just triggering my childhood trauma and that's why I'm being an asshole rn" instead of just being an asshole for no reason and walking away--- maybe I wouldn't have felt so bad about what she did.
Its dumb, we get older and develop weird mental boundaries that take forever to get rid of because that's how we coped with our bullshit when we were kids....

My mom would buy us pets instead of feeding us properly because she felt guilty and knew it would be cheaper to buy a pet than to increase the food budget by $100 a month-- and we would be more excited about a ferret than more cheese sticks and yogurt, lol. She was kinda right about that too, in hindsight. I don't remember being hungry as much as I remember the 10,000 gerbils and cats. Not that I condone it or anything

yeah like
adults are like "oh you dont understand oh well im not going to say anything and leave you in shameful ignorance because i dont feel like explaining"
which i think later shows the child that "oh yeah they didnt tell me about stuff so why should i tell them stuff? thats cringe"
(and there is a fine line between explaining and making the child your therapist or some shit,)
though i will admit
if i ever have a kid i know what not to do
because i kinda know how jerky parents feel
and i dont want to stoop that low

Oh definitely. It's such a crappy situation like.... Parents are afraid to be honest and vulnerable with their kids, maybe they think their kid won't respect them or won't relate, whatever it may be. A lot of emotional abuse is caused by it.
To be real here, I have two kids and I already know I'm going to have a hard time with this. I'll do my best but I hate putting myself out there like that. If I can do better than my parents- I think it will be okay.
It also never hurts to ask other people what their parents and childhood was like too. More perspective

the thing is, its a literal child, child does not care that youre broke, child just goes "oh, parent, i depend on parent, i enjoy parent" but telling them things will make them go " O H" once they realize, and are able to sympathize and will have more respect
and honestly, ive been looking into a lot of that stuff
and i will admit
a lot of millennial parents give me mixed feelings
like whenever i hang out with my buddies and they do the tiniest thing (such as tripping over a gutter or forgetting to take their hat off)
they go bat shit crazy
yet ive seen some other parents over the internet and such and they are like, being sane people, like trying to talk out the reason behind a tantrum and giving actual structure and discipline instead of just loosing it and screaming at them

Yeah, for the most part. I do remember insulting my mom and thinking of her in a bad light when I was starting to get older though. I was about your age and I would tell her off for being selfish or ignorant even if she had a good justification. Or just like the "I HATE YOU UGH." I guess I was angry at the situation more than her but kids don't process their feelings well. Maybe you're nicer than me but I was a lot like you when I was a kid, lol. Sometimes you just snap because you can't control what your parents are doing and they piss you off! It happens!
I hate to say it but you've got that only-child and small town thing going on. Your parents are putting 100% of their attention towards you, which can be nice, but also very stressful! That's why they're hard on you, they have no other kids to nit pick. (1/2)

(2/2) The "helicopter mom" phenomenon is really popular too. Its so nauseating. I hate going to public parks and seeing other moms tell their kids "HONEY we put on our shoes or we get splinters!!!" "NO NO don't go behind that tree I can't see you!!!" "Don't jump off that 1 foot tall rock, you'll get hurt"
Just being around that energy make me so exhausted, man. People today are obsessed with psychoanalyzing their kids, giving them as many pills and organic carrots as possible.
I've had people judge me for letting my kids have no shirt on or letting them touch things in the grocery store. People are ****ing nuts.