Chapter 22 - Warrior's Thunder
01.02.2021 20:16
LinkChapter 22
“This smells horrible.” Teddypelt sniffed the land.
“I haven’t been here much,” Willowdusk growled, sniffing the Meadowclan border from the lake, “But I know it doesn’t smell this bad.”
“This doesn't sound like Meadowclan.” Teddypelt retorted back.
“It smells like rot and the dirtplace all mixed together.”
“Meadowclan needs help.” Teddypelt began to run.
“So much for just finding Sleekshine.” She raced after her friend.
“Well! Knowing her, she probably caused this!”
“I wouldn’t be surprised.” She sneezed as flower pollen got in her nose.
Teddypelt was used to it. Her bitter bones carried her..
The sound of yowling was in the far distance. Willowdusk couldn’t help saying, “I wonder if Lionkit is Lionpaw yet.”
“He isn’t yet…”
“It should be about his time.”
“Yeah-” The Meadowclan elder stopped, “Do you hear that?”
“Hear what? The yowling?”
“Yeah… What are they talking about?”
01.02.2021 20:17
LinkShe shrugged as she ran. “I dunno. But we should go see, eh?”
“You’re talking like a twoleg.” She ran faster, forcing her bitter bones to work HARDER.
“We lived for them long enough. I’ve picked up a bit.” The Meadowclan camp was coming into view.
“I see.” She bursted into the camp.
Lionkit was growling at a small siamese she-cat, twitching his broken tail. Willowdusk put her tail in her mouth so she wouldn’t gasp.
“My seat boy-” Teddypelt gasped, “His tail!”
Milk looked at Willowdusk and Teddypelt, and snarled.
Willowdusk instantly forgot her surprise and lowered her head, raising her hackles. MIlk hissed.
“Who are you?”
“None of your mice wax.” The deputy of Fadedclan hissed back.
“I’ll b-bite you!” She squealed.
The she-cat couldn’t help laughing.
“Hi--yah!!” Milk bit her, but she was weak. It felt like a tickle.
Willowdusk swiftly batted the she-cat away. Milk hissed and pulled away, battering back.
01.02.2021 20:17
LinkLionkit came up and bit Milk’s tail. Milk scowled and struck him away. His claws dug deep into his cheek. Blood splattered onto her light pelt. Lionkit slid away and fell.
“YOU MONSTER!” Teddypelt yowled. Blood swept the ground.
Willowdusk ran at Milk and slashed her claws down the she-cat’s side. Milk yowled out and called out,
Goldenbreeze turned her head. Milk was struggling to fight against the strong she cat.
Goldenbreeze ran over and ran into Teddypelt. Teddypelt hissed and battered Goldenbreeze. The golden she-cat rapped her forelegs around the elder’s neck, thrusting her to the ground. Teddypelt swiftly attempted to slam her away, but the elder was too old. Willowdusk battered Milk with her paw and leaped to help Teddypelt. Teddypelt hissed.
Goldenbreeze looked up to see Shadowleg standing on the Ledgerock. Ice must be sleeping. Shadowleg hissed back, “We own this Clan now…”
Willowdusk looked at him and her eyes widened. “Shadowleg? What are you doing he
01.02.2021 20:17
“Taking territory, duh.” He threw dirt at her.
The she-cat closed her eyes and sneezed, wiping dirt off her face with her paw. Willowdusk looked back up at the tom. Her eyes were full of hurt. “Why?”
“I needed to gain power…” He shot away from her glance.
Willowdusk folded her ears back. “First you move to Crystalclan, now this?”
“Yes. Why did you expect me to do it? Become a lousy kittypet?”
“I left that life behind me for the better!” She snapped. Her fur quivered with rage.
“Yeah! You aren’t a lousy kittypet! You gave up that life. You’re honorable.” He yowled.
Without being able to stop herself, the only thing that she could see were Shadowleg’s tormenting eyes, she threw her full force at him, teeth bare and claws out. Her pelt flashed into Shadowlegs glare. He threw himself back- But it was too late. By Willdowdusks force, he was thrown off of the high rock.
01.02.2021 20:18
LinkNo one moved as they tussled, for they were in shock. Willowdusk battered Shadowleg’s head with her paws and pinned him down with her back paws. Shadowleg panted from surprise, and only let out a grumble of a growl.
Ice walked out of the den, grouchy from his nap. “What’s going on here.” he growled.
“Shadowleg was being stupid…” Twig dared made a move. With his large tall body, he marched to the fighting cats. Twig snapped onto Willowdusk’s scruff and forced her off.
The she-cat hissed, swiping at the black tom even when she was pulled away. Willdowdusk was forcibly toppled over by Twig, who said nothing. Ice jumped over and looked down at the struggling Fadedclan deputy. Twig held her down.
Ice walked over to Shadowleg. “Do you know this she-cat?”
“She’s a slimeball of Fadedclan.”
“Did you know her well?”
“No. Why would I?”
He flicked his ear. “She seemed rather hurt that you left one Clan for another.”
“She’s sensitive… I think she likes me or somethin’...”
01.02.2021 20:18
Link“Ah well.” Ice glanced at Shadowleg. “It’s too bad that you’re already a father.”
“Yes… It should be very much more moons until they're born…”
Dove walked over to the toms. “You don’t know, do you?”
Dove exchanged glances with Spotty. “Your kits are already born.”
Spotty shrugged. “We could smell kit sent when we snuck by their cave entrance.”
“How do you know it’s my kits though?”
She shrugged.
“Then she didn’t go through birth…”
Willowdusk hissed. “You must be the dumbest tom I’ve ever met. She had her kits a few days ago.”
“How was I supposed to know?”
“How do you not even know when you mate is supposed to have kits?”
“Take them away.” Ice signaled to Willowdusk and Teddypelt.
01.02.2021 20:19
LinkIt had been a few days since Jasperwhisker’s kits were born. Snakekit had beautiful blue eyes, Dangerkit’s eyes looked like Jasperwhisker’s eyes, and Vixenkit had the same piercing yellow eyes, just like his father. Everytime Brisknose saw the little tom he hissed, but making sure that no cat had heard him. The kits were loud, and fruitful. Snakekit was already trying to walk around! However, all the kits were unfortunately weak, due to being born too early.
Jasperwhisker licked Snakekit’s head. The little kit meowed in protest. “Mom stop it!”
“You got dirt all over you!” She held the small kit down, and cleaned them more. Snakekit battered her mother’s nose. Jasperwhisker mewed with amusement.
“Stop tickling me.”
Snakekit looked desperately at her siblings. They were suckling on their mother still.
Brisknose padded over and looked down at the white kit. “Let her clean you.” He said gently but sternly.
“See… Even your father agrees.” She licked the kit even more, holding her down with her paw.
01.02.2021 20:19
Link“Fine.” The she-cat slumped to the ground.
“Good kitty…” She licked her all up.
Dangerkit mewed and tried to wiggle to Brisknose. The tom looked down at the kit. “Yes?” Dangerkit made her way to the fake father and nuzzled him. Passing cats purred with amusement.
Brisknose forced himself to purr. At least it’s not Vixenkit. He thought. Vixenkit snuggled close to his mother… He was still a kitten, a small defenseless kitten. However, his sharp eyes burned with an evil stare… Jasperwhisker licked the top of his head, and he let out the smallest squeak. Many moons. The vision won’t come for many moons, at least until he’s an apprentice.
Quartzfur was on the Highrock, watching Brisknose. She noticed that every muscle of his twitched, or stiffened. She sighed and shook her head.
“Brisknose…. Come here!” She called out.
The deputy nodded and padded over to the Highrock.
“We need to talk…”
“About what?”
“The vision you had of Vixenkit.”
“That was over a moon ago.”
“You’re still reacting to it.”
01.02.2021 20:20
Link“I’ll admit, I can’t stand to see Vixenkit being taken care of.” His tail twitched nervously.
“That’s why… We need to go back to Starclan, and invest in more Crystals.”
“Are you sure they want to talk to you? They stopped your leader ceremony.”
“I don’t care.”
“Ok then.” He said, walking towards the tunnel.