WWYD- Hollowknight AU
05.05.2020 02:44
LinkA large creature lingers in the city of tears, you happen to come across it. It looks like your friend, Quirrel. it can't be a nosk shapeshifted because of how it looks and it wasn't in Deepnest. It seemed docile and hadn't noticed you yet, what would you do?
(plz dont swear, you have to put * when ever you say a word that is D*ath related or i cannot reply and will delete the comment)
05.05.2020 03:29
Linki might actually doodle your oc with this thing depending on what you do))
oh gosh your super close lol https://www.google.com/search?q=delicate+flower+hollow+knight&rlz=1CAHLQR_enUS900&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3l-qH-5vpAhUBVd8KHaguBBYQ_AUoAXoECA0QAw&biw=1366&bih=617&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=pbniGAXSUUASMM))
Quirrel does so before going to the rubble and pulling something out. none of the flowers seemed to be growing around the area tho a vine with buds could be seen
he's a little warrior bug i like who wants to fight in a arena out of a act of over confidence which he can appear in the same room as Quirrel if the right things are done to get it to happen. im kinda upset they use Tiso as a joke now tho since in one expansion you fight all the bosses and they jokingly put Tiso there before suddenly crushing him))
Quirrel whimpers before nodding and sat down before coughing up more of the black liquid onto Tiso but the delicate flowers quickly made it evaporate