Cute Whale
Strangecat: "Hello hooman."
Slower tiger transformation
Blushy Bonbon
animila ramble
27.07.2023 23:39
Linksilly main lore
27.07.2023 23:42
Linkfor people that were infected during the explosion, they were known as the Primora stage, primary stage because, 1st stage or whateva
usually more animal like, or turned full animal but can stand on two legs, not very much identified by their human self anymore unless wearing torn clothes or still patches of regular hair
27.07.2023 23:45
Linkthere are TECHNICALLY mermaids but do not pull that pretty as hell bullshit because no, your character is half fish, i dont want them to be a "beautiful maiden with flowing locks and a beautiful tail, shes gonna have a scaled face, a little abnormal body shape, and a normal colored tail, like a salmon or a goldfish, youre character will canonically be alone with the fish in the ocean if exotic or cant swim in fresh water
27.07.2023 23:48
Linki kinda worked really hard on this and im sad no one really wants to do it!
(i AM guilt tripping you- is it working?)
27.07.2023 23:52
Linkhumanoids that were born with the gene (its kinda like covid, if a humanoid with the gene is hunted, it goes from the gene, to a bacteria, and can go through your lungs, it has somewhat of a green hue, smells putrid, you can smell it from at least ten feet and the plants around it grow like sharp dagger points
28.07.2023 00:02
Linkanimals have their own language, and the humanoids understand it, the less humanoid you are, the less the understanding it is
there are levels to this
Pure : 81-99% animila
practically animal, anthro
Half : 51-80% Humanoid like, can speak both human and animal
Lesser Type: 1-50
more human, 40-50 can speak rough animal, 30 and less cannot, but can understand body language n such