I'm committing suicide now


29.03.2019 22:49
Links* i mean it to be +18

if this is real I just wanna say don't give up because I have gone through negative solutions where u think people hate u or u feel like an outcast don't give up its best to stay determined if people do hate u then ur letting them win u will go through tougher problems but its because u can take them don't do this be positive even tho it may be hard

do not end your self. look its not worth losing your life. Trust me. if you do it people who love you who care about you will miss you so much. and no one wants to lose you. your fans ALL love you everyone who is your fans will be upset that we do not know what they do. committing death is not a good thing but a sad upsetting day just. ignore them haters or bully's who ever upset you. they are the bad people who wants this do not let them win. just ignore them they will go way soon