- create flipbook animations online!
Actually art for this part yay
11.05.2022 07:24
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Lunch… I mean there's nothing personally wrong with lunches but.. I always feel so… wrong, when I’m out in public. Toby though, seemed like he would a hundred percent agree that out in public anythings, where made by satin and not in the fun way either. I looked around the café; on the left side was the coffeehouse, it had the common espresso machine and other sorts in it. The barista’s working and chatting together, working with almost ease other than the new recruit. Next to the coffee bar was a pride flag and a shelf full of so many books I had almost finished and a small radio playing enjoyable songs. I honestly came here by myself too many times Haha, then a window you would sit in and look into the streets or whatever you pleased. The right side had all the seats and tables and sofas so people could sit and chill at the café. Ares was in the back by the weird painting of two lesbians almost fvcking, I honestly find it hilarious that tobias picked this as are seat. The lights were dim and it gave an-
11.05.2022 07:26
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almost warm atmosphere in the slightly loud place. The weather was a bit stormy, nothing too bad just a bit of rain and lots of sunny days cut short by gray clouds. I kinda enjoyed it but Toby looked unimused by the weather. We were drinking are drinks in comfortable silence, like we always do when a certain song plays from their little radio. My blood runs cold and I freeze. I look down at my hands and sure enough they're shaking. This song hasn’t played on the radio for weeks, maybe even months but someone had recommended it and those lovely people played it right off the bat. I didn’t hate the song but it overwhelmed me with memories, voices, and thoughts that I didn’t want to deal with right now. I was slightly brought back to reality when I felt a nervous and gentle hand lay on my shoulder. I looked to my right and saw Toby, a bit worried but held a resuring face. I smiled and brushed off the look I probably possessed and put on a happy and comforting face on. I hated to make people worry about me,-
11.05.2022 07:26
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especially someone who had experienced the loss that I had… maybe that's why I never told him about the song or about the fact that I’m on medication for a whole lot of things… probably would make him more worried.. I don’t want to put more pain on his plate than what he’s dealing with already… Are lunch “date” went pretty well other than the radio incident but that's normal I guess, well more like my therapist says things that trigger “traumatic” events are normal to be seen when you have PTSD or other trauma caused mental problems- whatever the **** that means, Hey cut me some slack I’m only doing this therapist shit for my last remaining friend sooo..-
11.05.2022 07:27
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But I mean I just now started getting intouch with my other pals since I had a huge mental breakdown and cut almost everyone out of my life which wasn’t bad, I just had some demons to deal with and thought that’d be the best way for me not to hurt my friends. As we walked out of the café, we noticed a little sticker and some writing on the back of each of the bags. Tobys said : Sorry for your loss and you're always welcomed to a free coffee :) -love Marcus Mine on the other hand said : I’m so sorry for your accident and the loss of your close buddies dude, if you need anything don’t be afraid to text or call me :D -Micah ########### Now I was taken abc by one of the baristas giving me their number but it was at least endearing to know they kinda care “ Dude I’m lowkey kinda jealous-I mean I literally come there almost everyday and these *****es give you a lifetime of free coffees?!” I said in fake sadness and a dramatic way “ HAHAha- D-dude shut the **** up” Toby said jokingly-
11.05.2022 07:27
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“ Okay okay but seriously why not me too?? I have cool scars!!” I said playfully while we walked to his hotel room, sadly Tobias was leaving in a few days, heading home to deal with a few things and to pack up MJ’s stuff… at least tonight was chill tho, so hopefully his last days here aren't bad.
11.05.2022 07:28
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This one was fun to write :]
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