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Other syndicate member? dsmp
13.05.2021 01:21
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I'll theorize in the comments maybe but not rn.
13.05.2021 01:26
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But for now we know: *Niki - Nemesis, goddess of divine retribution, revenge, considered remorseless *??? - Harpocrates, ties to silence, secrets, Egyptians, roses. All 4 of these have something in common with at least one member, its just not clear enough yet and some don't make sense. *Technoblade - Protesilaus, hero on the front lines, but the first to die in the Trojan war. Thats curious... *Philza - Zephyrus, warm spring wind, with wings of his own. *unknown, not even a code name.
13.05.2021 01:36
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Okay I just have to theorize now XD ... Okay, so the Syndicate group is all about anarchy, and the thing is that doesn't always work. Before I get into that, lets just take a look at the obvious, at least in my opinion: Techno; i think the first full anarchist, but shares his views purely by destruction. He basically started the syndicate, but of course there is no leader. Extreme loyalty, which has its pros and cons. Phil; best friends with techno, his son is Wilbur and his grandson is Fundy. He will agree with Techno on probably everything, but what happens now that his son is back, and that he is now more protective over Fundy? Niki; I don't follow her character extremely closely, but she started out good, was pushed down during the Manburg time, that gave her a wound of *thinks for an actual term* ... not-being-listened- to-itis (yay teacher give me a gold star!), took a dark path on doomsday along with Fundy, misses Wilbur, doesn't know he's been revived... Where does anarchy fit in with all that?
13.05.2021 01:42
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CONTINUED LOL ... Ranboo; okay this one is kind of the wild card. He almost also has Techno's "extreme loyalty" sort of thing, but at the same time not...? Basically, take Tubbo. Ranboo is definitely loyal to Tubbo. Tommy? Sure, Ranboo is loyal to Tommy. Techno? Phil? yeah, He's loyal to a lot of people. The thing is, and this is where you start to see why his character is corrupt/history will repeat itself, all of these people belong to different sides. Techno and Phil are anarchists. Tommy is basically neutral and factionless but he hates Techno. Tubbo founded Snowchester, which is *aHEm* a government, and anarchists don't stand for governments. With Ranboo, he's had a lot of experiences but little to no character development in the case of his morals. I'm not saying he's a bad character though! Actually, this is the reason that I like his character. He basically is neutral and factionless and that's what he claims to be, and in the past his whole motto was "don't choose sides, choose people"-wtf conti
13.05.2021 01:47
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continued ... as I was saying, that is actually quite a stupid belief. Sure, it sounds good. Don't choose sides, choose the people that you're loyal to, but first off Ranboo is kind of loyal to a lot of people. Second, the. people. all. belong. to. different. sides. you know? And then we would've thought c!Ranboo would have learned his lesson- (WTF I WALKED RIGHT INTO THAT ONE UNINTENTIONALLY I AM SCARED NOW LITERALLY THE LESSONS I- AHHHH) *exhales* that was actually such a coincidence what XD anyway, we thought he would have learned but no, when you see his loyalties, what faction he belongs to, etc, you just get a huge spiderweb of interconnected everything. Yup. Oh, and don't even get me started on the Enderwalk...
13.05.2021 01:49
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Okay I think I'm done theorizing and getting my thoughts together lol. I also should have talked about Wilbur knowing somehow about the Syndicate, which is a secret group, but oh well. More info needed ig. ... TL;DR the syndicate is doomed
30.08.2021 00:54
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I think the secret member of the syndicate is Captianpuffy
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