

06.02.2022 03:12
LinkSo i wanna write something kinda serious cause one of my friends (i wont say her name just incase) reminded me of this, and I feel like the short convo we had pushed me to make this

06.02.2022 03:12
LinkSo, this’ll probably take a while to type out (apologies in advance) so, please be patient before responding

06.02.2022 03:21
LinkSo to start things off: i’m sorry.
I’m sorry to everyone i made uncomfortable, im sorry to everyone i sexualized, im sorry to everyone i hurt, and anyone who just feels that they’re entitled to an apology from me.
The context for you all who don’t know; or maybe who do know but need a refresher:, I was an asshole. I was a shit person during my time as KittytheWitch, and i want to apologize straight to the community that I hurt before (probably, hopefully) leaving it for good.
I don’t remember a lot of the things I did back then, but I know what I did wasn’t okay. I don’t have an excuse or any way to “worm my way out of this one” and i dont want one. I don’t want my actions to be defended or excused. It was shitty behavior.
The closest thing i can give to “an excuse” would be an explaination from my point of view.

06.02.2022 03:31
LinkBasically, in 2017 to 2019-2020, when i locked myself out of my first account, I was lead to believe that Being friends with someone meant that you had to be sexual with them, that being rude and bossy and verbally abusive was the right way to treat someone, and i realise that i was an idiot for thinking that, for thinking i was a good person despite that. Once I actually got it through my thick skull that what I was doing was wrong, it was kinda already too late to fix things.
Its still too late to fix things and I know that, I know the pain and maybe even trauma that I caused to people I genuinely cared about without meaning to. But i see now that I was shitty and was surrounded by shitty people in real life to reinforce what I thought.
So, i’m sorry.
I don’t expect forgiveness, and part of me doesn’t want it.
I was shitty and I hurt people. I’ve changed myself in the (apparently 3 years) i’ve been “gone” and i think thats better for me than some stupid forgiveness that i dont deserve.

06.02.2022 03:33
LinkSo, to cap this off, i’m sorry. I’m hoping that I can make things somewhat right now that i’ve learnt.
Thank you for reading.