Thank you so much!!!
Just Beecause
be free
17.10.2020 20:00
Linkwhile alongcameeric and the other prisoners is waiting for your choice you put a ring finger(censorship for middle finger).
alongcameeric-oh so you do not want to stay here,you rather pay your taxes,insurances,electric and water bills,buy your own food and etc. while here you have a free bed,free toilet,free sink,free food and free breaks and no needing to pay taxes and stuff well you want to be free then your gonna had to challenge ME!
then the whole place turned into a boxing match while the prisoners were cheering to alongcameeric as alongcameeric started punching,kicking,uppercutting,headbutting and tackling you but right before he was about to karate chop you.
you were able to catch his hand then start doing the same fighting moves what alongcameeric does then alongcameeric got stunned as you end it with a uppercut now your back at the regular world while alongcameeric got knocked out from you while the prisoners were trying to help alongcameeric.
17.10.2020 21:07
Linkthen they found out alongcameeric was knocked out so they were approaching to you with a angry manner and they were upset and they were ready to fight.
alongcameeric-WAIT STOP!
then alongcameeric got up and approach to you while the prisoners were able to calm down.
alongcameeric-hey i'm sorry maybe freedom is better then being here sorry again for overreacting so how about this i still wanna stay here but me and the gangs will help you free you from prison and in order to free you we will start a riot like the same riot from paint the town red but not prisoners attacking each other is the common sense where all prisoners will team up so how about that?