IMPORTANT (please read)


29.12.2024 11:13
LinkHi guys, I know its been a while and likely most people who follow me aren't around anymore lol, but I hopefully have a favor to ask of ya'll.
Back when I used this site a lot I had a friend AaronBurrSIR, also known as Hey-Its-Medex, and probably went by a few other usernames as well. He randomly disappeared one day and I never really found out why. I know some of his friends were on this site and followed me, so I'm hoping that there is a slight chance they see this and can tell me what happened? Highly unlikely any of them are still around to see this but I pray they do and can at least give me some sort of closure or hint as to what happened.
To the people unrelated to this; I hope you all have been doing well. I hope you all had a happy holidays and everything is goig well! You all are so valid and so amazing.