oh no my camera felll
29.11.2023 21:12
Linkoh noo my camera fellll
how sad
Paganism is a superstitious belief that has no place in the modern world. Built on myth and legend, it encourages a belief in magical powers and spirits that have no basis in the real world. A pagan is a distractor from the true path of God and can lead his followers astray. It promotes ignorance, false idols, and a lack of contempt for truth, morality, and faith.
Therianthropy/Otherkin is a form of paganism that supports some people’s belief that non-human animals commonly called therians have souls or spirits Not only is this misleading, but it can lead people down a dangerous path on the same. Therianthropy is based on the worship of nature and encourages a connection with the animal world, which is a departure from God’s true way and divine order.However, this connection is not based on any scientific or biological fact, but is only speculation and fantasy
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