read below
19.02.2020 21:23
Linkok so the trolls in homestuck were based off of archetypes of internet trolls, so what if i took internet trolls we find nowadays, and subreddits, and i make a bunch of fantrolls! right now i have a few ideas
r/incels: bucket hungry womanizing asshole
r/socialskills: interest in psychology, but bad at interacting with people
r/im14andthisisdeep: fake deep asshole. considers themself a rebel but doesnt do shit
19.02.2020 21:26
Linkr/iamverysmart: talks a lot, calls you an idiot.
r/imgoingtohellforthis: internet troll who calls you a sensitive asshole. (they are pretty funny tho)
19.02.2020 21:28
Linkany more ideas?
r/delusionalartists: tries to draw,draws terribly and thinks high of their art.
basically caliborn but hey it was the first thing that came up ok dont bully