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I'm going vegan.
15.08.2018 20:53
Link8 million animals are killed every hour, being stuffed in a small crate with no sunshine or healthy food.
12.2 BILLION FISH are being caught a DAY.
in 2030, there will be a huge decrease in sea life.
please, think of the animals.
I don’t like when people say “ohhh vegetarians and vegans are ****ing crazy weird!!”
I’m a vegetarian myself. I hate people who are like “OH ITS THE FOOD CHAIN, OTHER ANIMALS DO IT!!”
The thing is, they’re animals. We’re humans, and we know better, as in to keep animals alive, like I haven’t found someone that’s agreed with me yet. So I’m pretty grateful you think the same way.
well congrats for making a choice to become vegetarian! It is very healthy for human body. the reason I didn't become one is because I love meat and I can't live without it XD
I do not hate vegetarians, this is just my personal opinion: Being a vegetarian is not all about the animals. Millions of farm animals are being killed everyday for human consumption, and by becoming a vegetarian may decrease that number, but does it decrease the number of animals in general being killed? Vegetarians do not eat meat meaning most of their main dish is vegetables. Farmers need land to grow vegetables. Where to get them? Animal habitat. This causes habitat destruction, air, water, land pollution, mono culture, and many more. Up to 1000 SPECIES go to extinction EVERY year due to habitat loss and destruction. Farm animals cannot go extinct, even if they do, this does not disturb the Eco system because they are not naturally evolved anyways. But EXOTIC SPECIES? One species' extinct and lead to a whole ecosystem's destructio
n. 1000 species a year due to habitat loss? This can eventually lead to yet another mass extinction. I know of animal abuse happens EVERY SINGLE DAY in food industries, and many others, even in daily life. Of course it is not the vegetarians' fault, it is not the meat eater's fault, but the fault of money and fame. People, often wealthy ones, tend to buy pelts or bones of exotic animals JUST FOR FUN. They think they'd look 'cool'. (for example shark fins: people catch sharks and only cut and keep the fins and throw the rest of the shark back and leave them to die) BUT THEY DON'T. Their action causes more poaching to happen and lead to diversity loss. This whole world can be destroyed like this. So please. Stop this nonsense. Thank you.
wth did I just do?? sorry Trin I overreacted again. My anger is not directed towards you or anyone. It's just... so frustrating to see more lives being taken by our careless 'mistakes'! ugh. I'm sorry I spammed shitty stuff on ur art. ;w; I can delete it if u insist. I get very emotional and stuff when it comes to stuff like this. Anyways congrats on being a vegetarian!~ <3
(I'm so random) ;w;