29.01.2022 00:17
Link1 - Ota picky
2 - Ota really picky (might keep)
3 - Ota kinda picky
4 - Ota kinda picky
5 - Ota picky
6 - Ota kinda picky
7 - Ota super picky (probably gonna keep)
8 - Ota really picky (might keep)
9 - Ota picky
10 - Ota picky
11 - Ota not so picky
12 - Ota not so picky
13 - Ota not so picky
14 - Ota kinda picky
15 - Ota kinda picky
16a - Ota not so picky
16b - Ota picky
17 - Ota picky
18 - Ota not so picky
19 - Ota kinda picky
20 - Ota not so picky
21 - Ota not so picky
22 - Ota picky (might keep)
23 - Ota not so picky
24 - requested Ota not so picky
25 - requested Ota not so picky
26 - requested Ota really picky (might keep)
27 - requested Ota really picky (might keep)
28 - custom MilkyMoose
29 - custom xoxowolfyxoxo
30 - custom XxLolliexX1
31 - custom Alex-ITA
32 - custom GalaxyWolfz
33 - custom SunCrusader252
34 - custom natsuuuuu
35 - custom natsuuuuu
29.01.2022 00:32
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29.01.2022 19:37
Comment removed
1 happy cheerful all the time
2 always has bubbly? Mouth
5 i didn’t know what colors to use
6 floats
8 sketch oc
12-16a made from clay for an art project
13 forgot to color eyes blackðŸ˜
16b no arms
17 zipper opens (neon guts)
22 maybe redesign of crayon
23 Fanta or orange juice
24 flowers grow on them
25 mushrooms grow on them
26 rox in bee outfit/ or fox+bee
27 eyes covered fake elf ear non-binary emo/kid core
30 clear leg w/plants
31 cat half shark can control weather
35 glitchy demon thing