Princess Allura
All you can Quaff
-Driving Through The Country-
2 colours challenge done!
Mouse draw challenge! :D
Fun facts about me!!!
26.07.2019 16:44
LinkI came first
26.07.2019 16:45
1. Every four years, my birthday is on Thanksgiving!!! My birthday is November 27th.
2. Most of the members of my family were born on holidays!!!! My mom’s birthday is Valentine’s Day, my brother Andrew’s birthday is President’s Day, my brother Quintin’s birthday is May Day, my birthday is SOMETIMES Thanksgiving, and my little sister Elisabeth’s birthday is close to a holiday. ((Don’t remember what one though))
3. We used to ALWAYS move, so I NEVER got to keep my friends, but this time I’m in Michigan, and we’re not moving!!!
4. I live with my mom, my mom’s roommate JD, and my two dogs Lucy and SIMS. ((SIMS is short for Snow Iron Man. When we all lived together my brother Quintin named him.))
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