

26.01.2020 01:35
Linkim gonna respond very slowly, cause im just so weak i cant re i cant really explain o i cant fight this anymore

26.01.2020 01:37
Linki cant put up with my ALL the pain is just too much Im giving up on fighting this cause im already on the line im in so much pain just typing this i cant fight anymore

26.01.2020 01:40
Linkme ether. But you knw what helped me. ONE person. There was only ONE person like me and here he is about to leave my side.

26.01.2020 01:40
Linkno all is cancer

26.01.2020 01:41
LinkCancer...?....*sigh* ha im not the only one ig

26.01.2020 01:41
LinkJust nt cancer for me.

26.01.2020 01:42
Linkno im too weak to fight my cancer ple
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26.01.2020 01:42
Linkhey. You can fight it

26.01.2020 01:43
Linkyour just believing you cant

26.01.2020 01:44
Linkno i literally cant my doctor told me im on the line where theres nothing they can do for me to help it cause ive now entered the advanced stage and chemo hasnt been working for me sorry this is taking so long to type cause im too weak to even type. im done typing im in too much pain to even type anymore

26.01.2020 01:45
Link...OK...Error. I see why you need to go..dont be on fa no more or it will cause pain...I hope to see you one day. Just..go so you-...
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26.01.2020 01:47

26.01.2020 01:48
LinkSorry to hear...btw hope you get better...

Hey Ethan, sorry I didn't get onto disc and saw this only now
honestly I hope the doctor is wrong, but DB Is right that you should leave flip for a negative feelings make your situation so much worse.
I just really hope they're able to do something, chemo's rough, as much as it can help it also ****s you up a lot
I'm sorry you're going trough this

DB, I didn't wanna start anything on Ethan's comment section but please leave.
It's clear you're trying to make this about yourself with the whole
"Im just a kid...I dont want to see this happen... I seen more then a 19 year old and now im about to see way more."
"I don't wanna be depressed anymore"
He knows what it's right for him, and you insulting him isn't gonna make anything better, you have no idea what the "hard way" or "easy way" is, I've never seen you two actually talk for his life to effect you in any way, he's my friend and I'm trying to help him, so respect me and understand that you are causing a scene.
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Dude, you literally do not even know me or him.
I'm trying to help i'm in any way that'll help HIM
so you want him to live, yeah that sounds nice and all, sure
let him live with pain every single day of his life. Let him be tortured by his own body every living second of his life.
It's not messed up.
I'd do the same if it was my own mother, I'd rather my friends be dead than in immense pain. Because I'm not selfish, I don't think of my own losses and sadness when someone ****ing dies.
It's rather selfish to keep someone in pain alive, when you already know they have little to no chances of even living.
I care more than anyone on this ****ing stupid site does. Because I'm actually his friend, but you wouldn't know now would you, you found him on the browser page and just kept commenting.

Okay Glassy, stop saying that its okay for him to kill himself, because its not. He has people who love him and care for him and people thatll miss him dearly, like Depressed*****. You shouldnt be supporting him in killing himself, it isnt right. Going the hard way s the best way, because even though youre going through all that hard and difficult shit, in the end, youre going to get more then everything youd want. Youll be so happy, youll run around the world. Goin the easy way doesnt get you anywhere, but it gives you more pain, and youll get addicted to the easy way, then youll forget how to live, and then youll die. So what if some people dont like you, theres 7.8 billion people on this earth, the people tht hate you are like ants compared to everyone else. If you have people that hate you, then that means you have more people that love you. Sometimes, you HAVE to be strong. Me and Depressed***** went through some ****ed up shit, and we have seen and been through more then an average 19 year old.
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Now, Im not saying weve had it worse then anyone else in the world, and were more important then everyone else, because we arent. A whole nother million people have it 100x or 200x or 500x worse then us, and well never understand that. Also, you shouldnt be rude to Depressed*****, because shes in deep depression, more then youd think, and shes trying to help people, and shes alive. Shes strong, and if she can be strong, after what shes been through, then so can 404. Honestly, I dont see whyd you want your friends to die then be in pain. Id rather have my friends go through their pain, and id be with them every step of the way, instead of giving up on them and letting them give up. It makes people stronger if they choose to let it. 404 doesnt need a toxic frind like you, if your just going to let him hurt himself or let him kill himself, because he has people that love him and youre oblivious to that.

Do you understand what's going on at all? He's not gonna kill himself, he's DYING, he has cancer.
I care for him, I always have.
I've never been a toxic friend, neitheir of you know what me and him have gone trough, and it's clear you don't know the full story of what's going on.
I love him more than anyone has ever loved him on here.

Now, I dont know him in person, and I dont know what hes been through or what he knows. I wish I did though, because he sounds like a great person. I just wish you could see the positive things, and be there to help him and support him the whoe way throughout his pain, but sadly, you give up on him and let him give up on himself. If you truly care about him, you would help him and support him, because he has people that care about him and love him, and so do you Glassy. I dont know you in person either, and I dont know your problems, or the reason youd rather have your friends die instead of live the rest of their life. What you dont realize though, is that if they keep living, they grow up, they get married, they get kids, they have a family, a job, a whole ife. Life is full of problems, and itll never ever be perfect, so you shouldnt ever try to expect the best. Bad things are going to happen, but you need to realize, all those people that have it so much worse then you, are still living through their pains

DB was not helping anyone, in fact she was rude to Error for calling him a wimp, she kept talking about her own problems, that type of behaviour is the real toxic one, and it forces down on him all she's been trough. He's sick, not trying to kill himself, he's been sick for a long time, I've talked to him every single day I could and I know fist hand everything that has happened to him, you don't know the story, and it ****ing hurts. I literally just now was just talking to him, he's not gonna kill himself, his own body is.
I never let him hurt himself, in fact I've told him and tried my best to help him not do anything like that countless times.
I've even said how depression is no where near as ****ed up as what's going on right now.
Depression passes. The stage of cancer he is in right now doesn't, even if it does it's a slim chance.
You didn't read anything.
This isn't about DB. This is about EThan.

So you guys should try to make the best of it, talk every day, hangout or talk every day if you know each other in person, and be happy, dont look at the negative side. Do some things youve always wanted to do, nothing crazy like going to japan or soemthing, but something small youve always wanted to do.