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29.10.2021 11:15
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Hello everyone, I have seen people recently uploading about the fact that they think that they are not good enough and that they are losers because they get called names and are upset, I will not share any names, but I just want everyone to know that you are good enough no matter how much you do wrong, you are still human, just like everybody else in this world, those things that others may not like about you as much are the important things that make you who you are, I want everyone to know that you are not the loser if someone calls you a name or something, the only loser there is the bully, and when people bully they tend to have their own set of problems but they just take it out on other people, you are good enough, don't think that you aren't just because you are different than everyone else, don't think those things, I went through a simular time during quarentine, I hated life, hated everything, but I came through and now I am happy, so push through, you are strong, never hurt yourself you can do this
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