1930's Kid

TiP - Anything is Possible :D


children of the light

Chonky Borb

Character Creator ||Flipanim||

so I'm back


10.06.2020 21:50
Linkhit myself in the face with my knee and dropped a brick on my foot-
best day of my life

Well I have a few not toooo bad ones but there still stories-
1. I was rough housing with my sister and she slammed my head into the window sill and dislocated my jaw- which to this day still hurts/pops when I eat/talk/open my mouth.
2. I tripped over a towel and tore a gash in my knee which I still have a scar from since it went into the muscle cause I’m thin af
3. I fell off a table and cracked my skull.

oh.. you poor poor soul Not as bad as what i did to my leg in second grade! but mah leg did not break so :p

One time when I was playing tag with some friends, I tripped and slammed my knee into a brick patio. Didn't break my knee, but I cut it an inch deep to where I could see my knee cap. So now when I ever I hit my knee on something, it hurts far worse than the other knee even though I can't feel anything on my knee I cut.