dont try this at school kids

have this lmao


Le-animator request gundam


Mouse draw challenge! :D

Battle swing my entire story


23.04.2020 22:07
Linkleme type

23.04.2020 22:07
LinkOk so the book is not done but i have the first few chapters done this year

23.04.2020 22:21
LinkThis is chapter 1 let me know if you want chapter 2!

Battle swing
Chapter 1: BattleSwing!
September 21st: It’s raining today. Kanne has to go to school like every other day and she’s not really excited about it. She has a science test, so she hopes that she will do well… Probably not, but she does have to see if her friend Cohen is going to help her with her math assignment. They have to make a cafe logo.
She recently bought herself this cool shirt that says, “For The ONE” on it. She hopes everyone likes it. Probably not. No one pays attention to her. She is from… well, how do I put this? Not from the USA, that's for sure. I think she comes from Pompeii or something? I don't know. No one is really sure.
Her appearance? Hmm. Well, I guess she looks like a cartoon that doesn't know what she's doing. Yeah, let me tell you, she won’t be catching any boy’s eye anytime soon. :/
Well, She’s off to school. Her dog, Leif, was being so annoying today. She wanted to take his little snout and tie a balloon to it and make him fly. Obviously, She can'

or her mom will get mad. She can feed him treats till my mom says to stop because he's too full...but he’ll probably die if she does that.
She wanted to have pizza for lunch today, but it was not cooked yet so they gave her spaghetti, which wasn’t very good either. It was overcooked! She did not like that. Her friend Noelle was trying to open her green apple izze, but it wouldn't open and it exploded all over her as well. Not the best lunch in the world.
All of a sudden, something came crashing through the wall. She doesn’t remember exactly who it was, but it was someone from the past that she swore she knew. He wore a red sweatshirt and light blue jeans. “I remember seeing him at lots of events,” Kanne thought to herself but I couldn't figure out who this person was.
“Ayyyy, what’s goin’ on!” He says to Kanne,
“ Who are you?” She asked, uncertain about this guy. Her brain still said he looked familiar, but she’s not taking any risks with this

“I am Your Old friend! >:)” He exclaimed, a maniacal grin breaking across his face.
She suddenly realized it was her friend Axle. They would do a lot of things together.“I remember going on sword fighting class and he accidentally cut a piece of his nose off.” She remembers. He got it stitched back on, luckily. She feels so bad for Axel. He wanted to teach her a bunch of cool stuff, but that separated them.
“You need to come with me now, Kanne. We have some important things to do right away.” He told her. She was so confused, but hey what could go wrong. She agreed to go.
They left the school after he signed Her out, obviously. She unlocked her bike, and we biked for hours and hours. It was probably only three hours, but it seemed like forever.
At least, her legs said it was forever. They finally arrived in a very thickly wooded area. It was a forest, but more like a town that was in a forest. Sort of like a little Canada, I suppose. She remembers that being a very important place from earlier i

ife. She thinks it's where Axle is from, too.
They walk into his house, She sees a familiar person. She suddenly realizes it's Axle’s friend. They'd gone everywhere together as a team and explored. She smiled. They’d also take out our custom tools and weapons and battle each other all the time. But what was his name?
It was Rodrick! That’s who it was, “I remember now!” Kanne thinks He has dark brown hair, seemingly almost black, and he had light brown eyes, like almost white-brown eyes. He was an interesting person, physically. He almost always wore a shirt with an angry emoji on it to show his reaction when he forgets his sweatshirt. He has it 99% of the time. His sweatshirt is green and he likes to keep it very clean at all times.
“Long time no see… huh?” He says in a weirdly deep voice.
“Uhh… yeah, I guess so. huh?” I replied, adding our little catch at the end.

“Oh! Have you seen that battle arena yet?” said Rodrick in a very different exciting voice.
“We should go check it out sometime, huh, Kanne? Wouldn't that be fun!” He nearly squeaks from the excitement. “I mean, sure, it might be fun.” Kanne says .”Might as well do something fun with the people I live with now.” She says to herself.” I hope that we all get along really well together.” Kanne hopes
September 26th: “It's been five days here. I love my room! I've even got my own custom bedspread! They’re bright blue with green printed vines crawling across the surface. Surprises keep popping up left and right. Like how I somehow have an axe, and I mean a really big axe on my back all the time. Axle says it’s for self-defense. Frankly, I don't believe him.” Kanne writes in her book.
“My axe is about three feet long and four feet wide. It’s... ok, I wouldn't say that it's the best thing ever. I mean, I didn't decide to have my axe on my back. I just found out that I have a big magnet on my sweatshir

on my sleeves and back. A little weird.” She adds.
“September 27th: Today we are going to fight in that arena that Rodrick was talking about. I have to “bring my axe,” they say. They said they want to try to battle me with their bare hands against my axe. I don’t really think that's a very good idea, but hey. If they want to be gravely injured, that is their decision. They say it will be educational for themselves, and to me as well, but I don’t think it will be for me, considering past experiences like sword class with Axel. I’m only going to go just to make them happy, and so that I don’t ruin our friendship. I don’t want them to think otherwise of me for not going to the arena.” She notes

They probably think that She’s dumb for bringing knee and elbow pads to the arena for protection. They said she was like a baby, and not being confident in herself. She wishes she could slap them across the face until they cry for help. But she won’t.
she’ll do it with her axe!
So they are off to the arena. They’re way too determined. “You think you’re stronger than us Kanne? Think again!” they both said. “I don’t think I'm stronger than you,” Kanne said. She walked away, then slowly turned around and said, “I'm just better than you.”
Axle and Rodrick looked at her in disgust as if I did something really bad. The battle went ok. She’s sure that Axle is very proud of himself for beating me. His attitude was disgusting as he came out, gloating.

5 Years later: “I’ve just moved into my new apartment. Rodrick helped me move. Axle…we don’t talk about him.” Kanne writes. “Just because you got in a little fight with Axle didn't mean you had to move out!” Rodrick told me in a very sad voice.
“Well, let me tell you this, Rodrick. Would I have moved out if it was a small fight? Or a big one? Go on, tell me.” I said “A little one?” He guessed. “No, you dingus! A big one!” She screamed.
Immediately, She felt bad. She hadn’t meant to. Rodrick hates when people scream at him like that. “I'm sorry Rodrick, I shouldn't have said that,” She said while ruffling his hair.
He pulled away, and he asked:” What did you guys fight about anyway?”
“Umm… that’s a story for another time.”Kanne said feeling uncomfortable.