- create flipbook animations online!
part 4
20.04.2021 18:02
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my mom picked me up from school that day. i wanted to tell her what was going on so bad. but i remebered what Sarah told me, so i kept quiet. the next few days i didnt go to school. then when i finnaly went back i saw that Sarah and Bianca spreaded rumors about me. saying how i got the marks on my face and body was because i got into a fight and lost. that wasn't the truth AT ALL. i was tired of keeping quiet. so i went up to bianca and smacked her and said " YOU GUYS WANNA KNOW THE TRUTH OF WHAT HAPPEND HUH? U THINK ALL THE THINGS U SARAH AND BIANCA SAY IS TRUE!?, WELL ITS NOT! TRUTH IS SARAH AND BIANCA BASSICALY KIDNAPPED ME AND BEAT ME ALMOST UNTIL MY DEATH!" everyone was shocked. but then if that wasnt enough. I got heated and started throwing punches at Sarah. i got expelled. i couldnt believe myself for doubting myself. The End Based on true events. message: If your getting bullied dont be afraid to tell someone.
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