Please let me type
07.05.2020 22:28
07.05.2020 22:34
LinkOk so,
When someone posts art that they worked pretty hard on, or took awhile, do not leave comments like
“whatever” “
draw me”
“ “
It can leave the artist to thinking that you don’t care, that you didn’t see it, and that you are only there for uses like fanart, ocs, and customs. Another thing, DO NOT THROW CRITICISM AT A ARTITS OUT OF NOWHERE!!!
The artist clearly did NOT say anything about criticism and/or taking it. There for, DO NOT GIVE IT
If they are asking for critique, then give them a polite way of anything you think. But do not straight up say “Oh the line art sucks” That just hurts, people! We are just like you, we have feelings, we have emotion, and we have talent that we want to share. Don’t put down any artist that is proud of their work, or even not very proud. It leads them to art block, depression, and the desire to do no art. You don’t have to listen but just a head up ^^ Have a great day!
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07.05.2020 22:38
Linkim so sorry this is happening! i saw it in the comments of alot of your art pieces and felt bad but didn't want to interfere because its not my place and im so sorry that I didn't know what to do! I hope it stops :'( 💟
I right "ok" as a way to acknowledge the fact that somebody drew something but i'm too tired to really write something.