Garfield & Friends

Thanks for 400ahahah!!!!


Chance of rain

Momo & Abri

amazeballs 2

Cake thief
It's QnA time, boii


18.04.2020 12:57
LinkLol I'm bored -w-
If you'd like, feel free to ask me or my freak show OCs - Brendon and Jasmine - any questions you have in mind (you can also ask the Ducharme twins if you have any
, but I haven't made a bio for them just yet -w-;;)!

Mm, to be honest, I don't always take my own art too seriously and it's mainly just for the funsies, sooo, heh -w- but..
I guess.. daily (or near daily) drawing, as well as watching tutorials, and considering what I like about the work of artists I admire and trying to incorporate that into my own art.

I love listening to Cavetown's songs uwu!! If I had to pick favourites then... I suppose 'Boys Will Be Bugs' and 'Rocket Ships', as those are probably the ones I've listened to most. I'd also just like to mention 'This is Home' and 'Lemon Boy', as they're among the first Cavetown songs I've ever listened to, and I liked them a lot.

His first moments in the freak show/circus was being thrown into an arena, trying desperately to save his own skin from the famished lions who accompanied him in that small area.
Jasmine: Then me, Marie, Gaelle, and C had to swoop in and save this scaredy-cat.
Brendon: Oi!!
Jasmine: What, it's true!
Brendon: Well sure, the first part, but so you know, I'm a strong and brave young man.
Jasmine: Uh-huh. Yeah, alright.