- create flipbook animations online!
lmt.-this might take a bit..
31.12.2020 19:45
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ok so,i feel like my best friend hates me,i know my grandma hates me,and this is before i come out as trans to my family(which i still dont plan on doing),my aunt keeps taking my computer and phone-the only things i can talk to my 3 friends on and the only thing that calms me down beside art,and i am the one thats considered the ***** in my family? Next up,my big brother is prob getting annoyed of me being with him so much sense i have nothing else to do(hes the only one i like in my fam and hes currently home from college),im zooming with 1 of my friends/crush and she keeps talking about things i dont get bc i dont watch whatever shes talking about so i feel like crap,and i just hate life. ALso trying to tell her ive been ¨hurting myself¨ again but i dont think she gets it. I feel bad bc shes not in the best place herself but i have to vent to someone so sorry guys but seems u guys are the only ppl i cant talk to right now. -Eren
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