Every Anime Ever
18.12.2020 21:00
Link someone handing you a Pepsi can.. but its empty! Out raged you are you glare up after half of your face turns black and blue squiggly marks appear from your head
You somehow take out a sword that didn't exist before, because that makes sense.
You threaten your opponent with the sword and point it to their chin. But you don't do anything and instead you get flashbacks from your child hood
You lean back up and grunt for the millionth time and put away your sword. Where did it go? personally i think it went up his ass
Gotta love sword butt ****ing from time to time
Then he finds a girl that he likes which is your casual 'I'm too good for you, its not like i like you' girl
When she clearly wants to suck your cock
She thinks she's a badass but all you're staring at is her double D titties bouncing in mid air
Anyways she tries to pretend she's not interested but we know how that goes, she feels sympathy for you getting hurt and losing a loved one so she saves you in battle and you kiss among a million
18.12.2020 21:00
the end. That's every anime ever