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I want to stab myself with a
11.05.2018 21:21
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I want to stab myself with a pen because some see a pen but I see a harpoon ha ha..ha I am so stressed I don't even know what demention I'm in I have been slaving at my laptop all day for the past week not to mention family d r a m a and everyone calling me lazy so I've been trying to prove them wrong by being slightly productive I bet I've heard Mania like twenty times this week because I totally haven't been playing it on repeat trying not to lose my infimitesimal brain send help I just want food but I'm never hungry I want to be social but I don't want to but I do because I know I should but I really don't I want to go outside but last time I did that I got devoured by bugs, plus the only sunlight I need is in the form of my vitamin D pills h e l p
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