- create flipbook animations online!
29.03.2021 04:47
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i will paste some things here when i write them
29.03.2021 04:47
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I want darth vader to force choke me. In fact, i want him to force choke my cock. He's gonna chode-choke me. That would be so ****ing hot, that slutty mysterious villain in his badass outfit just giving me a boner. He'd do it in public and I'd just stare at my dear Vady. My fair Vady. My one and only. During our special time, i want him to choke me out. I want him to choke me like i was yoda. "Very horny, i am. Choke me harder, you must." I would squeal in Yoda's stupid ****ing voice. They call him Master Yoda because Luke called him Master when they ****ed. God im erect just thinking about Darth Vader breathing in my ear, the lust in his breath echoing through my ear chambers, settling deep in my brain for me to remember.
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29.03.2021 05:08
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I love you and want to get married. I want to have 7 children with you and live by the beach until we are old and can only eat pudding. I will spoonfeed you a cup of pudding, and lick the remains off your lips. As we take our final walk by the waves of the ocean, I'll stare in your eyes. We're old, useless, and in love. We share a kiss, and go home. We both die in our sleep that night, cradling eachother. Please, pleass wolfyart123, please marry me. You're beautiful. I'll do anything for you, I absolutely love you.
29.03.2021 05:13
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Woah dude! Chillax! You dont understand the horrific implications of being square! You werent supposed to be square bro, you were supposed to be there! That rhyme isnt just a dumb little tease, its a curse! Minecraft Steve is the buffest MAN alive. Being a buff MAN means you will have people harass you, and say you should like it! Not cool at all! Also, being square is totally not a good way to have organs. I have no idea how the measured minecraft steve's strength, as he doesnt have fingers. Also, you cant chew dude! You just slide things in the rectangle like a reverse ATM! Your brain would be in a totally NOT DOPE situation if you were square, man.
29.03.2021 05:31
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It started on a cold Winter night. I woke up at 3am to this ***** outside my house filming a porn movie. I shoved my toddler in the oven (I DIDNT TURN IT ON OF COURSE) so she wouldnt need to hear it. I went back to bed, dreaming about that insufferable little shit. That crazy, batshit crazy, sexy femb- ugly asshole letter J. I smashed his head in. Then i woke up. I woke up to a policeman staring at me. "You horrible monster. You deserve nothing but pain." He whispered. I didnt udnerstand what was going on. I was handcuffed, and escorted downstairs. I smelled something delicious. Better than J's creamed panti- better than anything ive ever smelled. It was an exquisite meaty scent. I turned to the oven, drooling, and saw a baked baby. Holy ****ing shit. J cooked my child. Then my door was broken open. J ran into my house and ****ed my wife. She climaxed three times in a row and divorced me. And then after getting married he ran back and ****ed the cops that arrested me. Then he tickled my balls.
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