26.07.2021 21:39
LinkI'm officially leaving flipanim. The last time I was just thinking about it and left too early. I thought for a while and pushed away all negative things I thought about flipanim and came back. but now I think that wasn't a good idea. Flipanim isn't fun anymore. it's boring to me and toxic. Plus, if you spend hours on an animation or drawing... Don't worry! it will surely get 1 like and will have spam comments saying "LOOK AT THIS FEATURED ANIM OF A CIRCLE OMG AAAAA IT SO GOOD!1!1!1!1!!1". And the anim will clearly have almost to little no effort put into it, it's the equivalent of a drawing a line. But it's not just that as well, the example I just said is a reason among hundreds.
26.07.2021 21:43
LinkI'm sorry to all my friends on here, I'm leaving for.. well... forever. I MIGHT like and/or comment on a few anims at times, but I will likely never post again. or even EVER come back. You can say one last bye or anything to me HERE. I will only check here probably twice after posting. Fanart is appreciated, and stuff like that. i guess now...
Goodbye flipanim...